Calories in Manchurian: Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Charu Shrivastava, last updated on 2 January 2024| min read
Calories in Manchurian: Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

Quick Summary

  • Manchurian is a popular Indo-Chinese dish that is made with a variety of vegetables, meat, and sauces.
  • The number of calories in manchurian can vary depending on the ingredients used and the cooking method.
  • Vegetable manchurian typically has fewer calories than chicken or gobi manchurian.

Manchurian is a classic Indo-Chinese meal that many people enjoy because of its appealing blend of flavours and textures. It's essential to understand the number of calories in manchurian, whether you favour vegetables, chicken, or gobi Manchurian.

You can enjoy your Manchurian while eating a balanced and nutritious diet if you know the nutritional data. Read on to look at the number of veg manchurian calories and its nutrition information to help you make better dietary choices!

Calories in Manchurian

The calories in manchurian vary according to several factors, including the type of manchurian, cooking method, and serving size. A

normal serving of manchurian (about 100g) contains around the following number of calories:

Type of Manchurian

Calories per 100 grams

Gobi Manchurian

175 calories

Vegetable Manchurian

153 calories

Chicken Manchurian

230 calories

Please remember that these calorie counts are estimates and may vary based on the dish and its preparation.

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Carbs in Manchurian

The carbohydrate content of manchurian varies based on the recipe and portion size. The carbohydrate composition of a normal serving of manchurian (100g) is roughly as follows:

Type of Manchurian

Carbohydrate Content

Gobi Manchurian

21.33 g

Vegetable Manchurian

14.62 g

Chicken Manchurian

17.36 g

Please keep in mind that these are only estimates, and the actual carbohydrate amount will vary depending on the recipe and portion size.

Nutritional Facts for Different Types of Manchurian

The nutritional value of manchurian varies based on the ingredients and serving size. The nutritional data for a typical serving of manchurian (per 100 g) are listed below.

Please keep in mind that these are estimations and may vary depending on the ingredients and procedures used:

Nutritional Component

Gobi Manchurian

Vegetable Manchurian

Chicken Manchurian


173 calories

153 calories

230 calories


21.33 grams

14.62 grams

17.36 grams


2.90 grams

3.56 grams

20.60 grams


8.95 grams

9.17 grams

8.17 grams


1.19 grams

2.92 grams

0.19 grams


1.8 grams

2.19 grams

0.9 grams


169 mg

244 mg

201 mg


82 mg

319 mg

591 mg


0 mg

54 mg

50 mg

Health Benefits of Eating Manchurian

When consumed in moderation and prepared with care, manchurian can provide some health benefits.

Although manchurian is not often considered a healthy dish, but there are certain benefits to eating it:

  1. Vegetable Content: Manchurian frequently incorporates a variety of vegetables such as bell peppers, carrots, and cabbage.

    These veggies are high in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre, which promotes general health.

  2. Protein: This dish can be a source of protein, depending on the ingredients used, like paneer.

    Protein is essential for muscle repair, maintenance, and overall bodily function.

  3. Flavourful Ingredients: Garlic, ginger, and spices used in Manchurian can have health advantages. Garlic and ginger have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects.

    On the other hand, spices such as red chilli flakes may help with metabolism.

  4. Customisation: Manchurian recipes can be tailored to your own nutritional needs and tastes.

    You can, for example, make it less spicy or use less oil during cooking.

Ways to Make Manchurian More Healthy

It should be noted that traditional manchurian recipes frequently involve deep-frying the ingredients and using sauces that can be heavy in harmful fats.

Consider the following suggestions to make Manchurian a healthier option:

  1. Baking or Air Frying:  Instead of deep-frying the manchurian balls or ingredients, bake or air fry them.

    This minimises the amount of oil needed in the recipe while keeping a crispy quality.

    To improve the crispiness of the manchurian balls, brush a small bit of oil on them before baking or air frying.

  2. Use Lean Protein: Choose slim cuts of chicken or low-fat paneer to minimise the overall fat content.

    If you’re making chicken manchurian, remove visible fat from the chicken.

    You can also use tofu as a protein source because it is low in fat and high in plant-based protein.

  3. Whole Ingredients: When possible, use whole, unprocessed ingredients.

    Fresh vegetables, such as bell peppers, carrots, and cabbage, contribute not only flavour and texture but also important vitamins, minerals, and nutritional fibre.

  4. Homemade Sauce: Make your own manchurian sauce with fresh ingredients.

    You can manage the amount of sugar, salt, and harmful fats in the sauce this way.

    To make a tasty sauce from home, use items such as fresh garlic, ginger, soy sauce (low-sodium alternatives), and tomato paste.

  5. Reduced Sugar or Natural Sweetener: If you like a little sweetness in your manchurian sauce, use less sugar or, in moderation.

    You can also use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup in moderation.

  6. Steamed Vegetables: Serve manchurian with steamed veggies or a salad.

    This increases the fibre, vitamins, and minerals in your meal while also helping to balance the calorie level.

  7. Reduce Sodium: Be cautious of soy sauce, as it can be rich in sodium. Use low-sodium soy sauce instead, or use it sparingly.

    Instead of relying entirely on salt, you can enhance flavour using herbs and spices such as ginger, garlic, and red pepper flakes.

  8. Control Oil Use: When stir-frying or sautéing, use as little oil as possible and cook using healthy oils such as olive oil or avocado oil.

    To avoid the need for extra oil, consider using a nonstick pan.

Consumption Limit and Considerations

When consumed in moderation, Manchurian, like many other delectable cuisines, can be a wonderful pleasure.

However, because it is frequently prepared in an unhealthy way, there are various precautions and consumption restrictions to keep in mind.

Consumption Limit:

It's advisable to limit manchurian consumption to a small quantity as an occasional treat. One serving, which is normally 100-150 grams, should be plenty for a meal.

If you prepare it at home, use healthier cooking methods, as previously suggested, to lower the calories in manchurian and its fat content.

If you have a balanced diet, you might consider having manchurian once a week as a special treat. This frequency helps you to satisfy your cravings while still eating a balanced diet overall.

Points to Consider:

  1. Portion Control: One of the most important aspects of enjoying manchurian is portion management.

    Instead of a huge serving, choose a smaller portion size. 

  2. Balanced Meal: Manchurian can be eaten as part of a balanced meal once in a while.

    To boost the nutritional content of your meal, serve it with steamed vegetables, a side salad, or a healthy grain like brown rice.

  3. Stay Hydrated: Since manchurians can be rich in sodium, it's important to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water before and after eating your meal.

  4. Pay Attention to Your Body: Take note of your body's hunger and fullness signs.

    Slowing down and savouring each bite can help you avoid overeating.

Side Effects of Overconsumption of Manchurian

Manchurian, like many fried and spicy foods, can cause a number of health problems if consumed in excess. H

ere are some of the probable side effects and health risks related to excessive manchurian consumption:

  1. Weight Gain: Manchurian is often high in calories, particularly when deep-fried and topped with a thick sauce.

    Overeating can result in an excessive calorie intake, which can contribute to weight gain over time.

  2. High in Unhealthy Fats: Deep-fried manchurian is typically prepared with oil, which can be heavy in unhealthy saturated and trans fats.

    Excessive consumption of these fats can lead to heart disease, excessive cholesterol, and other cardiovascular problems.

  3. Sodium Overload: Manchurian sauces are frequently heavy in sodium, which can cause high blood pressure.

    Consuming high-sodium foods on a regular basis may contribute to hypertension and other heart-related disorders.

  4. Blood Sugar Spikes: The high carbohydrate content of the sauce, particularly if it has additional sugars, can cause rapid increases in blood sugar levels. 

  5. Digestive Discomfort: Greasy and fried foods can cause digestive pain in certain people, including indigestion and acid reflux.

    It might also cause a sense of heaviness or bloating.

  6. Nutritional Imbalance: Consuming too much manchurian may result in a nutritional imbalance in your diet.

    If you consume manchurian regularly, you may be deficient in other nutrients necessary for a well-balanced diet, such as fibre, vitamins, and minerals.

  7. Increased Risk of Chronic Diseases: Eating unhealthy, calorie-dense meals like manchurian on a regular basis might increase the risk of chronic diseases.

    These include obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Ways to Burn Calories After Consuming Manchurian

If you've eaten a calorie-dense meal like manchurian, there are a few things you can do to help burn off those additional calories.

Here are some effective approaches:

  1. Drink Plenty of Water: Hydration is essential for overall wellness.

    Water can help you control your appetite and may help you avoid overeating in the future.

  2. Exercise: Engage in physical activity to burn calories. On most days of the week, aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise.

    Brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, and dancing are all terrific options.

  3. Strength Training: Include strength training workouts in your workout routine. Building muscle can help you lose weight. Include weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and resistance band routines.

  4. Interval Training: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a highly effective method of swiftly burning calories.

    It consists of short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by short periods of rest or low-intensity activity.

    Compared to regular cardio workouts, HIIT workouts can be completed in less time.

  5. Yoga and Pilates: While not as calorie-intensive as high-intensity activities, these can improve flexibility, balance, and muscle tone.

    They also contribute to overall well-being.

  6. Keep Moving Throughout the Day: Include additional activity in your everyday routine.

    Take brief walks during breaks, get up and stretch frequently, and avoid sitting for long periods of time.

  7. Get Enough Sleep: Sleep deprivation might impair your metabolism and hunger regulation.

    Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night to help with your weight loss efforts.


Manchurian is a popular meal, but it's important to keep in mind its calorie and carbohydrate levels. When served in moderation, manchurian can be part of a healthy diet. Fill it with various veggies and lean protein sources to make it a healthier option.

If you have any questions concerning the nutritional influence of manchurian on your diet or have any other medical concerns, please contact HexaHealth. It is a HealthTech platform with the largest hospital network in the country. So, make your appointment today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

The calorie content in Manchurian can vary depending on the type, portion size, and cooking method.

On average, the number of calories in Manchurian (100 g) can be around 170-230. 

Vegetable Manchurian calories vary, but they are usually around 150.

Please keep in mind that the calorie count will vary depending on the recipe and cooking method chosen.

The calories in 4 Manchurian balls vary based on the size of the balls and the recipe.

On average, for four vegetable Manchurian balls, you can expect roughly 250-270 calories.

A typical portion of the vegetable Manchurian (about 100-150 grams) contains roughly 153 calories.

1 plate Manchurian calories, on the other hand, may contain more than this usual serving size. Therefore, the calorie value would increase accordingly.

1 plate Gobi Manchurian calories vary depending on the serving size and cooking method.

However, you can expect to have approximately 175 calories in it.

Manchurian gravy is often made with oil, veggies, sauces, and occasionally protein sources such as chicken, paneer, or tofu.

The number of Calories in Manchurian gravy (one cup) is roughly around 100-250.

The number of calories in 1 plate chicken Manchurian is around 230.

Please remember that this is a rough estimate, and the actual calorie count may vary depending on the ingredients and cooking methods used.

Manchurian typically contains various nutrients, including:

  1. Carbohydrates

  2. Protein

  3. Fat

  4. Fibre

  5. Vitamins

  6. Minerals

Manchurian, particularly the traditional deep-fried and spicy varieties, is not often considered a healthy diet option.

However, Manchurian can be made more diet-friendly by using healthier cooking methods (baking or air frying), minimising the usage of sauce, and selecting lean protein sources.

Manchurian's carbohydrate content varies depending on the kind, serving size, and preparation.

A regular serving of Manchurian (around 100 grams) includes approximately 14-22 grams of carbs.

Manchurian is not a health-promoting food in its traditional form.

This is due to its high calorie, unhealthy fat, sugar, and sodium content.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Know Your Plate: Is Vegetable Manchurian A Healthy Treat? Let’s Find Out [Internet]. Onlymyhealth. 2021 [cited 2023 Sep 2].link
  2. Manchurian Calories and Nutritional Information [Internet].

Updated on : 2 January 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

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Charu Shrivastava

Charu Shrivastava

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