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ANC Profile Test: List, Full Form, Price, Normal Values, Result

ANC Profile Test

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15 Minutes

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ANC Profile Test
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During the first trimester of pregnancy, paying special attention to the health of pregnant women and their unborn babies is crucial.
To ensure their well-being, an ANC profile test is performed to thoroughly assess the mother's and the foetus's overall health.

They help identify any potential risks or complications that may arise during pregnancy. This article will help you understand what an ANC profile test is and how it is done.

Alternative Name

Antenatal Screening, Antenatal Panel, obstetric panel, OB panel, ANC Profile


8-12 hours of fasting

Test is done by

General Physician

Parameters covered

Blood test, urine test, ultrasound

Report Time

8-24 hours

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About ANC Profile Test

The ANC profile test, or the Antenatal Care Profile Test, refers to a comprehensive medical examination conducted during pregnancy.
It is leveraged to assess the health and well-being of the pregnant mother and her unborn baby. 

During the ANC profile test, several key parameters are assessed. These include blood pressure monitoring, urine analysis, blood tests for conditions like anaemia and gestational diabetes, and ultrasound scans to evaluate foetal growth.
The test may also include screening for infectious diseases like HIV and hepatitis.

By conducting the test, healthcare providers can closely monitor the progress of the pregnancy. They can also detect any abnormalities early on and provide necessary interventions.

Purpose of ANC Profile Test

The ANC profile blood test includes various assessments and screenings to help diagnose and detect several conditions or potential complications.

Some of the conditions that can be diagnosed or screened for with the ANC Profile Test include:     

  1. Gestational Diabetes is a condition characterised by high blood sugar levels during pregnancy.
    ANC Profile Test includes glucose screening to identify elevated blood sugar levels during pregnancy.

  1. Anaemia is a disorder characterised by a low red blood cell count or insufficient iron levels.
    ANC Profile Test examines haemoglobin levels to diagnose anaemia early on. 

  1. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): ANC Profile Test includes urine analysis to detect UTIs, a common occurrence during pregnancy. 

  1. Hypertension and Preeclampsia: Blood pressure monitoring is an integral part of the ANC profile test. Hypertension is a potentially fatal illness and can be indicated by persistently high blood pressure and protein in the urine.

  1. Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): STIs can pose a serious threat if the infection worsens. ANC profile tests may include screening for STIs such as HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B, and chlamydia, ensuring early detection.

  1. Foetal Growth and Development: Ultrasound scans performed during the ANC profile test can assess the growth and development of the foetus, identifying any abnormalities or potential issues.

  1. Rh incompatibility: It is a condition where the mother's Rh factor differs from the baby's. This condition can cause complications during pregnancy. Blood tests may be done to determine the Rh factor in the mother's blood. 

  1. Genetic Disorders: Depending on the medical history or specific concerns, additional screenings, such as genetic testing or screening for chromosomal abnormalities, may be performed to detect certain genetic disorders.

Benefits of ANC Profile Test

The Antenatal Care Profile test offers several significant benefits for pregnant women and their unborn babies. Some key benefits of the ANC profile test include the following:

  1. Early Detection of Complications
    The ANC profile test allows for the early detection and monitoring of potential complications during pregnancy.

    Regular screenings and assessments can help identify conditions such as gestational diabetes, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted infections. 

  1. Monitoring PGrowth and Development
    Through ultrasound scans included in the ANC profile test, healthcare providers can monitor the growth and development of the foetus.
    This helps identify abnormalities, assess the baby's position, and determine the placenta's health. 

  1. Preventive Care and Health Promotion
    The ANC profile test allows healthcare providers to provide pregnant women with preventive care and health promotion guidance.

    This includes counselling on nutrition, weight management, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to ensure optimal health for both the mother and the baby. 

  1. Planning for Delivery and Postpartum Care
    The ANC profile test assists in planning for delivery and postpartum care. 

    Healthcare providers monitor the mother and baby's health to identify risks or complications, enabling appropriate arrangements or interventions during labour and delivery.

Preparation for ANC profile test

The ANC profile test is a combination of blood and urine test. In most cases, no specific preparation is required before the ANC profile test. However, following the healthcare provider's detailed instructions is advisable, such as fasting if a blood glucose test is scheduled.

Both samples will then be taken to a lab, where technicians will determine the risks and issues you might have.

ANC Profile Test Procedure

A regular ANC profile test is recommended for all pregnant women to optimise prenatal care and support successful delivery. The specific tests conducted as part of the ANC profile test can vary depending on healthcare providers and regional practices.

However, here are some common tests performed during each trimester of pregnancy:

  1. A technician (phlebotomist) may tie a tourniquet (elastic band) to your arm.

  2. The phlebotomist will locate your blood vessel.

  3. The site is cleaned with spirit.

  4. A Needle is inserted into your vein to draw the blood.

  5. The blood sample is then withdrawn into a syringe or a vial.

  6. Cotton is placed on the puncture site with mild pressure till the bleeding stops.

  7. A small band-aid is then placed, which may be removed after an hour.

In case of a urine test, a container will be provided. There will be a mark on the container, and should be filled.

Tests for ANC profile are done according to the trimester- 

First Trimester:

  1. Medical History and Physical Examination include assessing the individual's overall health, reviewing medical history, and identifying any pre-existing conditions or risk factors.

  2. Blood Tests: These tests may include blood typing, Rh factor testing, complete blood count (CBC), blood glucose levels, thyroid function, and screening for infectious diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B, and syphilis.

  3. Urine Tests: Urinalysis checks for urinary tract infections, proteinuria (indicative of preeclampsia), and glucose levels (to screen for gestational diabetes).

  4. Pelvic Ultrasound: This test confirms the pregnancy, checks for the presence of a gestational sac, and estimates the gestational age and due date.

  5. Genetic Screening: Depending on the individual's age and family history, tests like nuchal translucency ultrasound and maternal serum screening may be offered to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome.

Second Trimester:

  1. Maternal Serum Screening: This test measures various hormones and proteins in the mother's blood to assess the risk of chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects.

  2. Anomaly Scan (Detailed Ultrasound): This extensive ultrasound evaluates the foetal anatomy, including the brain, spine, heart, limbs, and internal organs, to detect structural abnormalities.

  3. Glucose Challenge Test (GCT): This screening test checks for gestational diabetes by measuring blood sugar levels after consuming a glucose drink.

  4. Blood Pressure Monitoring: Regular blood pressure monitoring is important to detect signs of preeclampsia or high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Third Trimester:

  1. Foetal Growth Assessment: This includes measuring the fundal height (the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus) and/or conducting ultrasound scans to track foetal growth and estimate foetal weight.

  2. Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Screening: This test determines if the individual carries the GBS bacteria, which can harm the baby during childbirth.

  3. Non-Stress Test (NST): This test monitors the foetal heart rate and movement to assess the baby's well-being.

  4. Blood Tests: Repeated blood tests may be performed to monitor blood counts, glucose levels, and iron levels.

  5. Repeat Urine Tests: Periodic urine tests may be conducted to check for proteinuria, which can indicate preeclampsia.

Result of ANC profile test

ANC test is a combination of urine and blood test. It is a full checkup of a pregnant woman. In this test, all routine check-ups, including whole blood count, blood sugar levels, blood pressure, ultrasound etc., are done.
The positive result of any of the tests can indicate some problems -

Blood Pressure Measurement: Regular monitoring of blood pressure to check for any signs of hypertension (high blood pressure).

Blood Tests: Routine blood tests can include:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC): To check for anaemia and other blood-related conditions.

  2. Blood Group and Rh Factor: Important for potential blood transfusions and assessing Rh incompatibility.

  3. Blood Glucose: To screen for gestational diabetes.

  4. Hepatitis B and Syphilis: To identify any infections that could affect the pregnancy.

  5. HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): To detect infections that might be transmitted to the baby.

Urine Analysis: Testing urine for the presence of protein, glucose, or other abnormalities that might indicate underlying health issues. It can also indicate any kind of infection.

Ultrasound Scans: Used to monitor foetal growth and development, assess the placenta, and detect any potential abnormalities.

If there is any medical history of chromosomal abnormality or recurrent miscarriages. Further tests can also be done, like double marker test etc, suggested by the healthcare provider.

Aftercare ANC profile test

Typically, no after-care is required after an ANC profile test. The woman can typically resume her normal activities immediately after the test, although she should follow any specific instructions provided by her doctor.

The ANC profile test report is usually available within 48 hours. Once the results are received, the doctor will schedule an appointment to discuss the results. 

Treatment plan after ANC Profile Test

If any abnormalities or complications are detected during antenatal care, the healthcare provider will develop a specific treatment for the pregnant woman.
Depending on the problem's nature and severity, the treatment strategy can include one or more of the following strategies.:

Medications: Depending on the condition, medications may be prescribed to manage certain health issues.

For example, if a woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes, she might need to take insulin or oral medications to control her blood glucose levels.

Nutritional Guidance: Nutritional counselling may be provided to ensure that the pregnant woman maintains a balanced diet that supports both her health and the proper development of the foetus.

This is particularly important in cases of gestational diabetes or if there are concerns about foetal growth.

Lifestyle Modifications: The healthcare provider may recommend certain lifestyle changes to promote a healthy pregnancy.

This could include advising the woman to quit smoking, reduce alcohol consumption, or make adjustments to physical activity.

Monitoring and Surveillance: Depending on the condition, more frequent prenatal visits and additional monitoring may be required to keep a close eye on the woman's health and the baby's development.

Referrals to Specialists: If the healthcare provider identifies specific issues that require specialised care, they may refer the pregnant woman to relevant specialists, such as a maternal-foetal medicine specialist or a perinatologist.

Bed Rest or Reduced Activity: In some cases, a woman may be advised to reduce physical activity or even go on partial or complete bed rest if there are concerns about preterm labour or other complications.

Foetal Interventions: In rare cases of severe foetal abnormalities or conditions, certain foetal interventions may be considered, such as intrauterine surgery or other medical procedures.

Regular communication and follow-up with the healthcare provider are essential to monitor progress, make any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan, and ens.

Cost of ANC Profile Test

The ANC profile test cost can vary depending on various factors such as the location, healthcare provider, and the specific components of the test. Generally, the test cost in India ranges from INR 1000 to INR 5000.

Here is a table outlining the approximate cost of each component of the ANC profile test cost  in India:

Test Component

Approximate Cost (INR)

Blood tests (CBC, blood group)


Blood sugar


Urine analysis


HIV test


Hepatitis B & C test


TORCH panel


Ultrasound scan (performed 2-3 times during pregnancy)

1000-2000 per scan

Risks and Complications of ANC Profile Test

The ANC profile test is generally considered safe and carries minimal risks. However, it's essential to be aware of potential risks and complications that may arise during or after the test. Some of these include:

  1. Discomfort or Pain: Certain components of the ANC profile test, such as blood tests or injections, may cause temporary discomfort or pain at the site of the procedure.

    Most individuals tolerate these procedures well, but some may experience bruising, soreness, or mild pain.

  1. Bleeding or Hematoma: In a few instances, bleeding or developing a hematoma at the blood collection site may occur. If a blood artery is broken during the surgery, this might happen.

    The danger is low, but it may be handled by applying pressure and, if necessary, giving proper treatment.

  1. Infection: Any invasive procedure carries a slight risk of infection. Sterile techniques are usually followed to minimise this risk during blood collection in the ANC profile test.

    In rare situations, there may be an infection risk at the location of the surgery.

  1. Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to certain substances, such as latex gloves, disinfectants, or medications.

    Allergic responses can range from moderate to severe, and emergency medical assistance may be necessary if a serious reaction develops.

  1. False Positive or False Negative Results: While the ANC profile test is generally reliable, there is a slight possibility of false positive or negative results. Factors such as laboratory errors, timing of the test, or individual variations can contribute to inaccurate results.

    Healthcare providers must consider the overall clinical picture and follow up with further testing if necessary.

Risks of Delayed ANC Profile Test

Delaying the ANC Profile Test can pose risks and potential complications for the expecting woman and her baby in the belly. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritise and adhere to the recommended schedule for ANC visits to minimise these risks.

Here are some potential risks associated with delaying the ANC profile test:

  1. Missed Opportunities for Early Detection
    The ANC profile test includes various screenings and assessments to detect and monitor potential complications during pregnancy.

    Delaying the test means missing the opportunity for early detection of conditions.

  1. Lack of Monitoring for foetal Growth and Development
    Regular ANC visits, including the ANC profile test, help healthcare providers monitor the growth and development of the foetus. Delaying the test can require more information about the baby's well-being and potential issues. 

    Developmental abnormalities or growth restrictions may go unnoticed without regular monitoring, potentially leading to delayed interventions or complications.
  1. Increased Risk of Maternal Complications
    The ANC profile test helps identify and manage maternal health conditions that can arise during pregnancy.
    Delaying the test means these conditions may go undetected or untreated, increasing the risk of complications for the pregnant woman. 

    Preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or infections can progress and adversely affect the mother and baby if not promptly addressed.
  1. Limited Time for Intervention and Management
    Timely ANC visits and the ANC profile test allow healthcare providers to promptly initiate appropriate interventions or treatments. 

    Delaying the test reduces the window of opportunity for intervention and may limit the effectiveness of certain treatments or preventive measures.
    This can compromise the mother's and baby's health and well-being.

Myth Vs Facts of ANC Profile Test

  1. Myth: ANC profile test is only necessary for high-risk pregnancies.

    Fact: The test is recommended for all pregnant women, regardless of the risk. It is an essential component of prenatal care and helps monitor the health and well-being of both the mother and the baby throughout pregnancy.

  2. Myth: ANC profile test is painful and invasive.

    Fact: While some components of the ANC profile test may involve minor discomfort or a slight needle prick, the procedure is generally not considered painful. Healthcare providers take necessary precautions to ensure patient comfort during the test.

  3. Myth: ANC profile test is unnecessary if the pregnant woman feels healthy.

    Fact: Even if a pregnant woman feels healthy, the ANC profile test is still necessary. It helps identify and monitor potential health conditions with no noticeable symptoms.

  4. Myth: ANC profile test is a one-time test.

    Fact: The ANC profile test is not a single test but a series of tests conducted at different intervals throughout pregnancy. It involves regular check-ups, screenings, and assessments to ensure comprehensive prenatal care.

  5. Myth: ANC profile test results are always accurate

    Fact: While the ANC profile test provides valuable information, it is important to note that no medical test is 100% accurate. There is always a small possibility of false positive or false negative results.


ANC profile test assesses pregnant women's health, providing valuable information on blood cell counts, iron levels, infections, etc. This aids in the early detection and management of risks or complications, promoting optimal outcomes for mother and baby.

 Regular ANC profile tests in pregnancy maintain health and minimise complications. Follow provider guidelines and communicate openly for a smooth and healthy pregnancy journey.

At HexaHealth, our expert doctors offer the best consultations, ensuring a smooth pregnancy journey with personalised care and guidance. Contact us today and get started with ease.

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FAQs for ANC Profile Test

ANC in the ANC profile test stands for Antenatal Care, which refers to the medical care and support provided to pregnant women before the birth of their baby.
It encompasses various activities and assessments to promote the mother's and developing foetus's health and well-being.

The ANC profile test includes a comprehensive list of blood tests conducted during pregnancy to assess various health parameters.

These may include complete blood count (CBC), blood group and Rh factor, blood glucose levels, liver and kidney function tests, screening for infectious diseases, and hormonal analysis.

The normal range of values for ANC profile blood tests may vary for different parameters. For example, the normal range for haemoglobin levels in pregnant women is typically between 11 and 14 grams per deciliter (g/dL).

The price of the ANC profile test can vary depending on factors such as the location, healthcare provider, and additional tests included in the profile. Usually, the test price ranges between INR 1000 to INR 5000. 

The ANC profile test collects a blood sample from the pregnant woman, usually through a simple venipuncture procedure.
The blood sample is then sent to a laboratory to analyse and evaluate the various parameters in the ANC profile test.

A positive or abnormal result in the ANC profile test may indicate potential health issues that require further evaluation and management.

Depending on the specific abnormality, healthcare providers may recommend additional tests, medication prescriptions, or other interventions to ensure the well-being of the mother and the developing foetus.

Certain medications or medical conditions can affect the results of the ANC profile test.

Pregnant women must inform their healthcare providers about any medications they are taking or any pre-existing medical conditions they have, as these can influence the interpretation of the test results.

The time taken to receive the results of the ANC Profile Test may vary depending on the laboratory's processing time and the healthcare facility's protocols. It may take a few days to a week to receive the complete results.

If your ANC profile test result is abnormal or positive, it is important to consult your healthcare provider promptly.

They will guide you on the next steps, which may include further diagnostic tests, consultations with specialists, or the need for additional interventions. 

Yes, the ANC profile test is necessary during pregnancy. The test helps identify potential risks or complications, allowing healthcare providers to intervene and provide appropriate care to ensure a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery.

The frequency of ANC profile tests during pregnancy may vary based on individual factors and healthcare provider recommendations.

Typically, the tests are performed regularly throughout pregnancy, starting from the early stages and continuing until delivery. 

The ANC profile test offers several benefits during pregnancy. It allows healthcare providers to monitor important health parameters, detect deviations from normal values, identify potential risks or complications, and provide timely interventions.

It is advisable to consult your healthcare provider before getting the ANC profile test. They will assess your medical history, discuss the importance and relevance of the test based on your specific circumstances, and provide guidance on the appropriate timing and frequency of the test.

If the ANC profile test is not performed during pregnancy, it can increase the risk of undetected health issues or complications.

Without regular monitoring, potential risks may go unnoticed, leading to delayed interventions or missed opportunities for early management. 

The ANC profile test can help detect certain medical conditions besides pregnancy-related complications. The test evaluates various blood parameters that provide insights into the individual's overall health status.

It may detect abnormalities in red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets or indicate the presence of certain infections or underlying medical conditions. 

The ANC profile test price usually falls between INR 1000 to INR 5000. However, this cost can vary depending on factors such as the healthcare facility, location, and additional tests included in the profile.

The ANC Profile test is typically performed by trained healthcare professionals, such as phlebotomists or laboratory technicians, who specialise in collecting blood samples and conducting laboratory tests. 

There are usually no specific precautions required before undergoing the ANC profile test. However, following any instructions provided by your healthcare provider or the laboratory conducting the test is recommended. 


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

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  2. Why Are ANC Profile Tests Recommended for Pregnant Women? [Internet]. apollo247. [cited 2023 Jul 29].link
  3. Book Max Antenatal Profile Basic 1 Test Online, Home Collection, Price, Normal Range Max Lab [Internet]. [cited 2023 Jul 29].link
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Charu Shrivastava

Charu Shrivastava

BSc. Biotechnology I MDU and MSc in Medical Biochemistry (HIMSR, Jamia Hamdard)

2 Years Experience

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