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Gallstones - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Types & More

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Dr. K R Vasudevan

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Medically Reviewed by Dr. K R Vasudevan Written by Kirti V

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A study by Siddiqui et al. in 2023 showed that around 6% of people in India have gallbladder stones. It can cause discomfort in your abdomen. In some cases, they can even land you in the hospital needing surgery.

If the stones remain asymptomatic, no treatment is required. However, if there are any gallbladder stone symptoms, a doctor will recommend their removal. The following blog will discuss its symptoms, causes, types, and diagnosis.

Disease Name Gallbladder stones
Symptoms Intense pain in the abdomen or neck, nausea, vomiting, fever, indigestion
Risk Factors Age, family history of gallbladder stones, obesity
Diagnosis Imaging studies, blood tests, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
Treated By Gastroenterologist
Treatment Medication, surgery

About Gallbladder Stones

The gallbladder, a pear-shaped organ beneath the liver, stores bile (digestive fluid) and releases it into the small intestine during digestion. The stones are solidified accumulations of digestive fluid that may develop within the gallbladder. 

It may vary in size, from tiny particles resembling grains of sand to large spheres comparable to golf balls. While a gallstones diagnosis may sometimes show a single gallstone for some individuals, others may form multiple stones simultaneously.

Gallbladder Stones

Types of Gallstones

There exist two primary categories of stones in the gallbladder. They are cholesterol stones and bilirubin stones. Let us understand them below:

  1. Cholesterol Stones: These are the most prevalent type. They do not appear on CT scans but can be detected via abdominal sonograms (ultrasounds).

  2. Bilirubin Stones: Also known as pigment stones, these form when excessive bilirubin is present in bile due to the breakdown of RBC (red blood cells).

Gallbladder Stones Grade

5 Grades of Gallstones

The PGS grades cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation) and helps in predicting the complexity of gallbladder stone surgery by the surgeon. The above table categorises gallbladder conditions from Grade 1 (no adhesions) to Grade 5 (gallbladder perforation or tissue death).

Gallbladder Stones Symptoms

Some individuals with silent stones in the gallbladder may not exhibit any symptoms. These stones do not impede the function of the gallbladder, liver, or pancreas and don't require gallstone treatment. However, sometimes gallstone pain can be excruciating when they obstruct the biliary tract:

  • Persistent, intense pain in the upper abdomen that escalated quickly. It can endure for periods ranging from 30 minutes to several hours.

  • Pain in the right shoulder and back

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Fever and chills

  • Jaundice, characterised by yellowing of the skin or eyes

  • Gastric symptoms like abdominal bloating, indigestion, belching or excess gas

  • Inability to tolerate fatty foods

5 Gallstones Symptoms

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Gallbladder Stones Causes

Gallbladder stones are mainly caused due to changes in the bile. However, researchers cannot precisely predict the reasons behind these modifications. Here are some specific gallstones causes of this condition:

  1. Excess Cholesterol: When the bile contains more cholesterol than can be dissolved, it can form cholesterol stones.

  2. Bilirubin: High bilirubin levels in bile can contribute to the formation of pigment stones.

  3. Incomplete Emptying of the Gallbladder: If this organ fails to empty due to a lack of fibre or water intake, it can contribute to the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

2 Causes of Gallstones

Risk Factor of Gallbladder Stones

Gallbladder stones pose different risks, some of which are not easily visible. Some such risk factors associated with gallbladder stones include:

Modifiable Risks

  1. Obesity: A significant risk factor for stones in the gallbladder, especially notable in women.

  2. Cholesterol-lowering Drugs: Medications to reduce blood cholesterol can boost bile cholesterol secretion. This can increase gallstone risk.

  3. Diabetes: Diabetics often have elevated triglyceride levels, elevating gallstone risk.

  4. Rapid Weight Loss: During rapid weight loss, the liver releases excess cholesterol into bile, promoting gallstone formation.

  5. Fasting: It slows gallbladder movement, leading to cholesterol over-concentration in bile.

  6. Oestrogen: Excess oestrogen, whether from pregnancy, hormone therapy, or birth control, raises bile cholesterol levels. This, in turn, reduces gallbladder activity, increasing gallstone risk.

Non Modifiable Risks

  • Gender: Women are twice as prone to gallbladder stones as men.

  • Age: Individuals over 60 years of age face higher gallstone risks compared to younger age groups.

6 Risk Factors for Gallstones

Prevention of Gallbladder Stones

One can take a few measures to lessen the occurrence of stones in the gallbladder. Follow these guidelines to avoid developing stones in the gallbladder:

  1. Maintain regular meal times and don't skip meals. Irregular eating patterns or fasting can heighten the risk of gallbladder stones.

  2. If individuals need to shed pounds, they must do so gradually. Sudden weight loss can elevate the chances of stones in gallbladder. Aim for a loss of 1 or 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) per week.

  3. Increase the intake of high-fibre foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

  4. Keep a healthy weight because being overweight or obese is associated with a higher risk of gallbladder stones. It can be achieved by reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity. Once the target weight is reached, maintain it by sustaining a balanced diet and staying active.

How gallbladder stones diagnosed?

The healthcare provider may examine if a person feels persistent or recurring pain in the abdomen or neck. Below is the gallbladder diagnosis:

  1. Ultrasound: This method utilises high-frequency sound waves to produce images of internal organs.

  2. Cholecystography: An X-ray procedure that reveals the movement of contrast fluid from the intestines into the gallbladder.

  3. Blood Tests: These examinations evaluate for signs of infection, obstruction, jaundice, and/or pancreatitis.

  4. Computed Tomography Scan (CT or CAT scan): A diagnostic imaging technique that merges X-rays with computer technology. CT scans excel at detecting gallstones that contain calcium. These stones appear bright white on the scan and are easily distinguishable from surrounding tissues.

  5. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): This procedure involves inserting an endoscope (a viewing tube) through the stomach into the small intestine. Then, a special dye is administered to see the ducts within the biliary system.

  6. Sphincterotomy: It widens the sphincter muscle, a ring-like muscle surrounding a natural opening acting as a valve. This eases the passage of stones into the intestine.

How do you prepare for a doctor consultation?

Certain aspects must be considered when preparing for a gastroenterologist doctor consultation for gallbladder stones. This ensures that the patient gets the most out of their visit. Here's how one can prepare:

  • Collect all the medical records and any relevant test results.

  • Request a family member to accompany you.

  • Prepare a list of all current medications or supplements.

  • Note down the symptoms, pain areas and the severity of pain. 

  • Write down any questions for the doctor.

Questions to ask the doctor

When consulting a doctor about gallbladder stone surgery, having a well-prepared list of questions is essential. This will allow people to understand their condition and the available treatment options. 

  1. What is the severity or grade of the gallbladder stones? 

  2. What are the available treatment options?

  3. What is the recommended course of action? 

  4. What are the potential side effects of these treatments? 

  5. How will this affect my daily life?

4 Steps of Gallstones Diagnosis

Gallbladder Treatment Options

If gallbladder stones are symptomatic, it's essential to contact a doctor. Even if these symptoms subside, they may reoccur, necessitating treatment. The typical approach for managing gallstones involves the following: 

Nonsurgical Treatments

Nonsurgical options are reserved for specific situations, such as when surgery is contraindicated due to severe medical conditions. However, gallstone pain may still recur even with treatment, requiring ongoing or lifelong management. These may include:

  1. Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): Used to remove stones in the gallbladder stuck in the common bile duct.
  2. Oral Dissolution Therapy: Medications containing bile acids, such as Ursodiol and Chenodiol, can help dissolve small cholesterol stones over months or years.
  3. Shock Wave Lithotripsy: Occasionally used to break the stones in the gallbladder into smaller fragments, sometimes in combination with oral dissolution therapy.

3 Gallstones Treatment Without Surgery

Ayurvedic Treatment for Gallbladder Stones

Certain ayurvedic therapies detoxify the liver and gallbladder, boost bile flow, dissolve stones, and aid digestion. These therapies include:

  1. Panchakarma: Includes vamana, virechana, basti, nasya, and raktamokshana to eliminate toxins and restore organ health.

  2. Liver Flush: This procedure involves olive oil, lemon juice, and spices to stimulate gallbladder contraction and cleanse the liver.

  3. Hot Pack: Apply heat or a castor oil compress to the gallbladder area to reduce inflammation, pain, and spasms and enhance blood circulation and bile flow.

Ayurvedic medicines can also help detoxify and improve the liver and gallbladder health. These medicines include:

  1. Shankavati: Contains shankha bhasma, trikatu, triphala, and other herbs to reduce acidity, inflammation, pain, dissolve stones, and prevent infections.

  2. Sootasekar Ras: This supplement includes purified metals and herbs that enhance liver and gallbladder function, aid digestion, and dissolve stones.

  3. Pravaalpanchaamrit: Balances Pitta, reduces inflammation and gallbladder pain, and prevents stone recurrence.

  4. Hingwaashtak Choorna: A powder blend of hing, shunthi, maricha, pippali, ajmoda, saunf, jeera, and saindhav lavan to enhance digestive fire, reduce gas, stimulate gallbladder and liver, improve bile flow, and dissolve stones.

  5. Avipattikar Choorna: Powder with trikatu, triphala, vidanga, musta, ela, lavang, patra, trivrit, and sharkara. It reduces acidity, inflammation, gallbladder pain, cleanses liver and gallbladder, improves digestion, and dissolves stones.

Homoeopathic Treatment for Gallbladder Stones

Several medicines in homoeopathic Materia Medica are effective for gallstone disease. Some notable ones include:

  • Berberis vulgaris

  • Calcarea carbonica

  • Carduus marianus

  • China

  • Chamomilla

  • Chionanthus

  • Lycopodium

  • Veratrum album

Gallbladder Surgery Options

Cholecystectomy, the surgical gallbladder removal, is a standard gallstone procedure. Since it is not an essential organ, its removal doesn't significantly impact normal bodily functions.

Once the gallbladder has been removed, the bile will flow directly from the liver, hepatic duct and common bile duct into the duodenum, bypassing the gallbladder. Cholecystectomy is commonly of two types:

  1. Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: This minimally invasive procedure is preferred by most surgeons and is often performed on an outpatient basis. This allows patients to return home the same day. Recovery time is typically about a week.
  2. Open Cholecystectomy: This procedure is performed when the gallbladder is severely inflamed, infected, or scarred from previous surgeries. Hospitalisation may take up to a week, with full recovery taking about a month.

Note: The gallbladder stones treatment approach may be selected based on a patient's condition, symptoms and doctor's opinion.

2 Gallstone Surgery Options

Estimated Cost of Gallstones

The minimum cost of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in India is ₹40,000, with costs varying among hospitals and centres due to several factors. On average, this procedure costs around ₹65,000, but prices can range up to ₹80,000.

Treatment Options (Surgical) Estimated Cost Range
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy ₹40,000 to ₹80,000

Risks of Delay in Gallstone Treatment

Delaying treatment for gallbladder stones can lead to recurrent pain. However, there are some more complications associated with the delay. These are:

  1. Stone Slipped Into CBD: Stones may move from the gallbladder and block a bile duct. This may result in intense abdominal pain radiating to the upper back, lasting from minutes to hours.

  2. Biliary Tract Blockage and Inflammation: Prolonged blockage in the gallbladder duct can cause inflammation (cholecystitis). This may manifest as fever, infection, and pain.

  3. Gallbladder Tissue Necrosis and Infection: Untreated cholecystitis can progress to gallbladder tissue death, potentially leading to serious conditions. These may include empyema (a pus-filled cavity in an organ), gangrene (death of body tissue due to a lack of blood supply), perforation, and sepsis (organ dysfunction).

  4. Common Bile Duct Obstruction: Gallbladder stones passing into the common bile duct can obstruct it, resulting in choledocholithiasis.

  5. Jaundice: Stones in the gallbladder can block bile flow, causing jaundice. This is characterised by yellowing of the eyes and skin, dark urine, and pale stools.

  6. Pancreatitis: Gallbladder stones may obstruct the pancreatic duct, causing severe pancreatitis and worsening abdominal pain.

4 Risks of Gallstone

When to consult a doctor?

Schedule a consultation with the doctor when experiencing any concerning gallstone symptoms or signs. Here are situations that call for medical attention:

  • If the temperature exceeds 101 F

  • Urinary discharge with a thick, yellow, or green hue

  • If surgical wounds exhibit bleeding, redness, warmth

  • When pain persists despite medication

  • Difficulty in breathing or a persistent cough

  • Yellowing of the skin or eyes

  • Grey or pale stools

"I frequently see gallstones, especially in patients with diets high in refined carbohydrates and saturated fats. Obesity, rapid weight loss, and genetic factors also contribute significantly. To reduce the risk of gallstone formation, I encourage my patients to eat a balanced fibre-rich diet, maintain a healthy weight, and engage in regular physical activity."

- Dr Vasudevan KR
Liver transplant, Gastro Surgeon

Diet for Gallbladder stones

To reduce the chances of developing stones in the gallbladder, adopt a diet rich in nutrients and indulge in more physical activities. It is essential to achieve and sustain a healthy weight. Health experts advise the following strategies for gallstone prevention:

  1. Fibre-rich Diet: Increase consumption of fibre-rich foods such as fruits, legumes, vegetables and whole grains like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread. This reduces the chance of cholesterol in bile crystallising and forming gallstones.

  2. Decrease Sugar Intake: Refined carbohydrates and sugar can cause rapid swings in blood sugar levels. This might trigger the liver to produce more cholesterol, which can contribute to gallstone formation.

  3. Healthy Fats: Incorporate fish oil and olive oil into a regular diet to promote regular contraction and emptying of the gallbladder.

  4. Avoid Unhealthy Fats: These are commonly found in desserts and fried foods. Unhealthy fats can increase cholesterol levels in bile, promoting gallstone formation.

Before making any alterations to dietary habits, consult with a healthcare provider. Rapid weight loss can pose health risks, so it's essential to approach weight management cautiously. 

Gallstone Diet


Gallbladder stones are small, pebble-like objects that can cause significant harm if they enter narrow passages in the biliary system. Experiencing a gallstone attack can be distressing. Nonetheless, gallbladder removal is a routine procedure with an excellent prognosis. 

For those experiencing Gallbladder stone symptoms, surgery is an effective procedure that helps resolve this condition. At HexaHealth, we specialise in assisting patients experiencing gallstone symptoms by connecting them with expert doctors for optimal care. We help facilitate timely diagnosis, treatment and also offer comprehensive support throughout their treatment.  

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FAQs for Gallstones

Gallbladder stones, also known as cholelithiasis, are solid formations of bile that develop in the gallbladder or bile ducts. While they are mostly asymptomatic, they can lead to complications if they obstruct bile flow in the biliary tract.


The stones in the gallbladder are thought to develop when bile contains excessive cholesterol or bilirubin. Other reasons could be insufficient bile salts or when the gallbladder fails to empty properly due to various factors.


Patients with gallbladder stones generally experience no signs or symptoms. However, if one gets stuck in a duct, individuals may experience the following gallstone symptoms:

  • Sudden and escalating pain in the upper right abdomen

  • Intense and sudden pain in the middle of the abdomen, below the breastbone

  • Back pain spreading between the shoulder blades

  • Pain felt in the right shoulder

  • Nausea or vomiting


If someone feels a sudden and rapidly intensifying ache in the upper right portion or centre of their abdomen, it could be due to the stones in the gallbladder. Some may also experience pain in their right shoulder or between shoulder blades.


One of the significant cholelithiasis causes is the solidification of the bile stored in the gallbladder into stone-like substances. The condition is when these stones are found within the gallbladder.


The stones in the gallbladder are diagnosed using an abdominal ultrasound. This test is commonly used to look for any signs of gallbladder stones. It involves moving a device, called the transducer, back and forth across the patient's stomach area.


Doctors may initially prescribe some medications to dissolve the gallbladder stones. However, these medicines may take months or even years to dissolve gallbladder stones this way. If the stones in gallbladder frequently recur, they may advise for surgical removal of the gallbladder, also called a cholecystectomy.


The necessity of gallbladder removal, known as cholecystectomy, depends on various factors. They include the size and number of stones, whether they're causing symptoms, and if they're leading to complications.


About 80% of individuals experiencing symptoms related to gallbladder stones will likely require surgery. It may be necessary in the following situations:

  1. Symptomatic Gallbladder Stones: Those causing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or jaundice.

  2. Complications: If gallbladder stones lead to complications such as gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis), blockage of the bile ducts, or pancreatitis.

  3. Large or Numerous Gallbladder Stones: Stones in the gallbladder that are particularly large or numerous

  4. Risk Factors: Individuals with a history of gallstone-related complications.


It may involve removing the organ using laparoscopic cholecystectomy, commonly referred to as the "keyhole" approach. During this procedure, the surgeon creates several small incisions (cuts) in the skin to accommodate various instruments for access.


Before the procedure, the surgeon will provide specific instructions and information tailored to the patient's situation. However, here is what one can expect before the procedure:

  1. The patient will be given general anaesthesia to ensure they are comfortable and pain-free during the surgery.

  2. In a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, the surgeon makes several small incisions in the abdomen. These serve as entry points for surgical instruments and a camera. In an open cholecystectomy, a single larger incision is made.

  3. The surgeon will carefully detach the gallbladder from the liver and bile ducts using specialised instruments. 

  4. After the gallbladder is removed, the incisions are closed with stitches or surgical tape.


Apply a warm compress to the affected area to alleviate gallbladder pain. Peppermint tea can also provide relief. A magnesium supplement can aid in gallbladder emptying.


Gallbladder stones typically do not dissolve or go away on their own. Once formed, they tend to persist unless treated. In some cases, smaller gallstones may pass through the bile ducts without causing symptoms. However, larger stones in the gallbladder often require medical intervention.


Most individuals undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy can expect a recovery period of up to 6 weeks. While patients may resume most regular activities within 1-2 weeks, it may take several weeks to regain their usual energy levels fully.


Adopting a nutritious diet and consistent physical activity can reduce the likelihood of developing stones in the gallbladder. Focus on consuming fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread. This will promote better health and help with weight management.


Despite the absence of a gallbladder, digestion of most foods typically proceeds smoothly. However, breaking down fatty, greasy, or fibre-rich foods can become more challenging, potentially leading to symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhoea.


Consume quality fibre sources such as raw fruits and vegetables, cooked dried beans and peas, and whole-grain cereals and bran. Additionally, limit the intake of saturated fats. Opting for a diet rich in fibre and low in fat helps maintain bile cholesterol in a liquid state, thus preventing stones in the gallbladder.


Asymptomatic (no symptoms) gallstones do not cause medical threats to patients. It is extremely rare for gallstones to be fatal, even if they are symptomatic.

Potential complications arise typically after surgery or due to bile duct stones.


Gallstone size is a significant factor to consider when choosing the modality of treatment. Generally, surgical removal is recommended for patients with stones bigger than 10 mm.

Stones between 5 and 10 mm can be treated with medicines, and stones smaller than 5 mm can be passed out of the body naturally.



All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Mohd Adnan Siddiqui, Dwivedi N, Mohammed Haris Siddiqui, Rana SV, Sharma A, Dash NR, et al. NMR spectroscopy-based analysis of gallstones of cancerous and benign gallbladders from different geographical regions of the Indian subcontinent. PloS one. 2023 Jun 23;18(6):e0286979–
  2. Mayo Clinic. Gallstones - Symptoms and causes [Internet]. Mayo Clinic. 2021link
  3. Gallstones symptoms and treatment [Internet]. NHS
  4. Better health Channel. Gallbladder - gallstones and surgery [Internet].
  5. Gallbladder Pain: Causes & Treatment [Internet]. Cleveland
  6. Gallbladder removal - laparoscopic - discharge: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia [Internet].
  7. Gallstones [Internet].
  8. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Treatment for Gallstones [Internet]. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
  9. How to Prepare for a Doctor’s Appointment [Internet]. National Institute on
  10. Ayurvedic Treatment For Gallbladder Stone | Health-e [Internet]. Health-e. 2023 [cited 2024 Aug 21].link

Last Updated on: 2 September 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. K R Vasudevan

Dr. K R Vasudevan

MBBS, MS General Surgery, DNB Surgical Gastroenterology

25 Years Experience

Dr K R Vasudevan is a well-known Gastrointestinal Surgeon currently associated with Jaypee Hospital in Noida. He has 25 years of experience in Liver Transplant Surgery and worked as an expert in Liver Transplant and Surgical Ga...View More


Kirti V

Kirti V

B.A. English | M.A. English ( Magadh University, Bihar)

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With 3 years of full-time experience as an SEO content writer, she has honed her skills to deliver captivating and persuasive writing that leaves a lasting impact. She is always ready to learn new things and expand...View More

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