Calories in Aloo Sabzi - Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Sangeeta Sharma, last updated on 2 January 2024| min read
Calories in Aloo Sabzi - Nutrition Facts & Health Benefits

Quick Summary

  • Aloo sabzi is a comfort meal with rice, roti, or paratha
  • The number of calories in aloo sabzi makes it deserving enough to be included in a healthy diet
  • This is because energy, vitamins, minerals, and fibre are all found in this dish

Aloo sabzi is a comfort meal with rice, roti, or paratha. The number of calories in aloo sabzi makes it deserving enough to be included in a healthy diet. This is because energy, vitamins, minerals, and fibre are all found in this dish.

So, consuming 1 bowl aloo sabzi calories will delight your taste buds and benefit your entire body. Want to know more? Keep reading!

Calories in Aloo Sabzi

The calories in aloo sabzi can vary depending on the recipe, portion size, and cooking method. According to Fatsecret, a 100-gram serving of aloo sabzi contains approximately 96 calories.

Remember, the calories will increase if you use a lot of oil, ghee, or other high-calorie ingredients. Furthermore, the type and number of potatoes used can affect the aloo ki sabzi calories.

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Nutritional Facts of Aloo Sabzi

Knowing about the nutritional value of aloo sabzi can help one make a better decision about how much to consume. As per Fatsecret, the dietary details for aloo sabzi are summarised below based on a typical handmade dish with a 100-gram serving size:


Amount per 100 grams


96 calories


17.52 grams

Dietary Fibre

3.6 grams

Total Fat


2.89 grams


2.34 grams


1.28 grams

Saturated Fat

0.308 gram


440 milligrams


424 milligrams


0 milligrams

Health Benefits of Eating Aloo Sabzi

Aloo sabzi, a delicious Indian meal prepared with potatoes, tastes good and has health advantages. It can be a beneficial boost to your diet if prepared mindfully and enjoyed in moderation. Here are the major health benefits of aloo sabzi:

  1. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: This dish is made of potatoes high in vitamins C and B6. Potatoes are also high in minerals like potassium and magnesium. These nutrients are essential for various biological activities, including immunological support, neuron function, and blood pressure regulation.

  2. Supports Digestive Health: The dietary fibre in aloo sabzi, particularly when the potato skin is consumed, promotes digestion. Fibre promotes regular bowel motions and aids in the prevention of constipation. It also promotes a healthy gut microbiota, which is important for digestive health.

  3. Reduces Inflammation: Consuming aloo sabzi, particularly when combined with other anti-inflammatory substances like turmeric and ginger, may help reduce inflammation. This could aid individuals suffering from inflammatory disorders.

  4. Good for Heart Health: Potatoes are naturally low in saturated fat and cholesterol, making them beneficial to heart health. Aloo sabzi can be part of a heart-healthy diet when prepared without excessive amounts of added fat. Potassium is known for maintaining blood pressure levels. This could lower the risk of hypertension.

  5. Provides Satiety: A feeling of fullness is provided by aloo sabzi. This is because it comprises a combination of carbohydrates, fibre, and a moderate quantity of fat. When consumed moderately, this combination might help you feel full. This may help reduce overeating and promote weight management.

  6. Boosts Immune Function: Vitamin C in aloo sabzi is necessary for a healthy immune system. It aids the body's ability to fight infections and illnesses. This makes aloo sabzi an important addition to your diet, particularly during cold and flu season.

  7. Energy Source: Carbohydrates in potatoes give an immediate and long-lasting energy source. Aloo sabzi is very good for athletes and individuals with an active lifestyle.

  8. Versatile Ingredient: Aloo sabzi is a flexible ingredient. It can be prepared in multiple ways to accommodate varied dietary choices. It is adaptable to vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free diets.

  9. Promotes Nutrient Variety: This dish can be coupled with other veggies and spices. It makes it become a part of a complex and nutrient-rich meal. The addition of diverse veggies boosts the overall nutritional content of the dish.

Consumption Limit and Considerations

Consuming aloo sabzi requires dietary restrictions and considerations to remember. This can help in making wiser decisions and savouring it healthily.

Consumption Limit:

You can incorporate 100-150 g (96 kcal) of aloo sabzi into your daily diet. However, mixing up your meals and balancing your intake with other nutritious foods is important. A few times a week as part of a varied diet is a reasonable approach.

Points to Consider:

To make aloo sabzi a part of your balanced diet, one should always be informed about the healthy ways to consume it. Here are the points to consider: 

  1. Cooking Methods: How you prepare aloo sabzi is important. It’s best not to fry deep and use large amounts of oil or ghee. This can greatly increase the fat content and calories in aloo sabzi. Instead, use healthy cooking methods such as sautéing, steaming, or baking with little to no oil.

  2. Limit Additions: Take care with the additional substances you use. Ingredients such as milk, butter, or excessive salt might add additional calories.

  3. Moderation: Tolerance is essential. Aloo sabzi can be a nutritious and enjoyable when eaten as part of a well-balanced diet. Avoid making it a mainstay at every meal and mix in other vegetable-based recipes for variety.

  4. Diverse Recipes: Try out numerous aloo sabzi recipes that include a range of spices and vegetables. This not only adds flavour but also boosts the nutritional diversity of the food.

Side Effects of Overconsumption of Aloo Sabzi

Overconsumption of aloo sabzi, or any food, can result in various side effects and health problems. Here are some potential negative effects of overeating aloo sabzi:

  1. Weight Gain: Calories in aloo sabzi can increase, especially if made with a lot of oil or other fats. Regularly consuming high amounts of it can contribute to weight gain.

  2. Blood Sugar Spikes: Since potatoes have a high glycemic index, they can produce blood sugar spikes. Overconsumption may result in unstable blood sugar levels, particularly in people with diabetes or insulin resistance.

  3. Lethargy: Due to its high carbohydrate content, aloo sabzi might make you feel sluggish and lethargic. This is particularly relevant if you consume in large quantities. It may result in energy losses and decreased productivity.

  4. Dehydration: Given that potatoes are starchy, they can be dehydrated if not balanced with proper fluid intake. Dehydration may result from eating too much aloo sabzi without drinking enough water.

  5. Low Blood Pressure: Excessive consumption of high-carbohydrate foods like aloo sabzi can occasionally lower blood pressure. It can result in dizziness and fainting. This is especially problematic for people who already have low blood pressure.

  6. Digestive Issues: Overindulgence in aloo sabzi can cause digestive discomforts such as bloating, gas, and diarrhoea. This is especially true if consumed in large quantities in a single meal.

  7. Nutritional Imbalance: Over-reliance on aloo sabzi might lead to a nutritional imbalance in your diet. It is essential to consume various foods to obtain a wide range of nutrients.

Ways to Burn Calories After Consuming Aloo Sabzi

If you want to burn off the calories in aloo sabzi, there are various strategies to boost your physical activity and calorie expenditure. Here are great methods to burn calories in aloo sabzi:

  1. Aerobic Exercise:  In these exercises, your heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to your muscles during workouts. This includes brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and swimming. They can help you lose weight and enhance your cardiovascular health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise.

  2. Strength Training: Include strength training workouts in your fitness regimen. Building lean muscle mass can help you burn more calories in aloo sabzi. This can be done even when you're not exercising. Lift weights or perform bodyweight workouts such as push-ups and squats.

  3. Household Chores: Domestic chores such as cleaning or vacuuming can help burn calories.

  4. Yoga: Cardiovascular activity and yoga can improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation. Certain techniques, such as power yoga or vinyasa, can offer low-calorie burn.

  5. Take the Stairs: Whenever possible, take the stairs instead of the lift. Climbing stairs is an excellent strategy to increase your heart rate and burn calories.

  6. Walking Breaks: Include brief walks in your routine. Take a walk during your lunch break or after dinner to aid digestion while also burning calories.

  7. Stay Active Throughout the Day: Look for ways to stay active. If you work at a desk, stand up and stretch frequently.


Aloo sabzi is not just delightful to consume, it is also quite nutritious. Its wide range of health benefits makes it an appealing meal choice. Limit serving sizes and use better cooking oils to keep this dish nutritious.  

Contact HexaHealth if you have any dietary restrictions or medical concerns. HexaHealth will advise you on all medical difficulties you might be experiencing, resulting in a better quality of life. So, make an appointment today!

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Frequently Asked Questions

A standard serving of aloo sabzi, which is about 100 g, has approximately 96 calories. However, the calories in aloo sabzi may vary based on the recipe and ingredients used.

The calories in 1 bowl of aloo sabzi can vary widely depending on the recipe and serving size. On average, a standard 100 g serving of aloo sabzi contains approximately 96 calories. 

The number of calories in aloo gobi sabzi can vary based on the recipe and portion size. On average, a 150-gram serving of aloo gobi sabzi contains approximately 108 calories.

The number of calories in 1 katori of aloo sabzi (approximately 125 grams) is typically 120. The exact number depends on the recipe and cooking methods used.

The calories in kachori with aloo sabzi can vary depending on the size of the kachori and the ingredients used in the preparation. On average, a medium-sized kachori with aloo sabzi can contain approximately 100 calories.

The nutritional values of potato sabzi are:

  1. Calories in potato sabzi: 96 kcal

  2. Carbohydrates: 17.52 g

  3. Dietary Fibre: 3.6 g

  4. Protein: 2.34 g

  5. Total Fat: 2.89 g

  6. Saturated Fat: 0.308 g

  7. Cholesterol: 0 mg

  8. Sodium: 440 mg

  9. Potassium: 424 mg

Here are the benefits of potato nutrition:

  1. Rich source of carbohydrates

  2. Rich in vitamin C and B6 

  3. Contains essential minerals like potassium and magnesium

  4. Contains antioxidants

  5. Supports digestion

A typical serving of aloo sabzi (approximately 125 grams) contains about 2.92 grams of protein. However, the protein content may vary depending on the specific recipe and ingredients.

Yes, you can eat potato sabji in your diet. It’s best to do it in moderation and with other nutritious meals. Be cautious of portion quantities and cooking techniques.

Here are the ways you can reduce calories in potatoes:

  1. Steam or boil potatoes instead of frying.

  2. Use less oil or cooking spray when roasting or sautéing.

  3. Choose smaller potato varieties.

  4. Leave the potato skin on for added fibre.

  5. Replace high-calorie toppings with healthier options.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Raman R. 7 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Potatoes [Internet]. Healthline. Healthline Media;
  2. Natalie Olsen,. Diabetes and potatoes: Safety, risks, diet, and tips [Internet]. 2019. link
  3. Potato: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning [Internet]. 2019. link
  4. Magee E, RD, MPH. 8 Ways to Burn Calories and Fight Fat [Internet]. WebMD. link
  5. Calories in Aloo Gobi and Nutrition Facts [Internet].

Updated on : 2 January 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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