Bottle Gourd: Uses, Nutrition, Health Benefits, Side Effects

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Sangeeta Sharma, last updated on 2 January 2024| min read
Bottle Gourd: Uses, Nutrition, Health Benefits, Side Effects

Quick Summary

  • Bottle gourd, also known as lauki, is a versatile vegetable cherished for its culinary and medicinal properties for centuries
  • From curries to refreshing beverages, the bottle gourd has found its way into many Indian recipes, offering a unique blend of flavour and health
  • Bottle gourd is low in calories and carbs, and is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • It has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including reducing blood sugar levels, improving digestion, and boosting immunity

Bottle gourd, also known as lauki (in Hindi), is a vegetable that most of us turn a blind eye to. Yet, it is a versatile vegetable cherished for its culinary and medicinal properties for centuries. From curries to refreshing beverages, the bottle gourd has found its way into many Indian recipes, offering a unique blend of flavour and health.

So stick around as we uncover a treasure trove of the bottle-gourd vegetable. You will learn about its uses and surprising health benefits, which have made it an integral part of Indian households for generations.

The Incredible Versatility of Bottle Gourd

Lagenaria siceraria, commonly known as bottle gourd, is a green vegetable It can be slender, bottle-like, dumble-like or oval-shaped. Sometimes, you can also see it as a large pear-shaped vegetable. 

It belongs to the family of gourd vegetables like bitter gourd, sponged gourd, and pointed gourd. The uses of bottle gourd are numerous. You can use it to prepare soups, stews, and curries. It is also sometimes added to lentils (daal). Additionally, it can be utilised in sweet dishes, adding a unique texture and taste. 

It's not uncommon to find bottled gourd in desserts like halwa or beverages such as fresh juices (lauki juice) and smoothies.

Above all, bottle gourd stands out for its high nutritional value. It also has a low-calorie count and an abundance of essential nutrients. The plant's extracts have demonstrated antibiotic properties. 

Moreover, the juice extracted from its leaves is commonly employed to address problems like premature greying, frizziness and even hair loss.

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Bottle Gourd Health Benefits

There are multiple benefits of bottle gourd if you include it in your diet. The important benefits are listed below:

  1. Hydration: With its high water content, bottle gourd helps keep you hydrated. Proper hydration is important for metabolism and overall health.
  2. Low Calories: Bottle gourd for weight loss is ideal as it is incredibly low in calories. It provides volume and nutrition without a significant calorie intake. This helps you maintain a calorie deficit, essential for weight loss.
  3. Low Glycemic Index: Bottle gourd has a low glycemic index, meaning it doesn't cause rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. This property is beneficial for individuals with diabetes.
  4. High in Dietary Fibre: The high fibre content in bottle gourd promotes satiety and aids digestion.
  5. Reduces Body Heat: In Ayurveda, bottle gourd is valued for its cooling properties. It plays a role in balancing the heat energy within the body(pitta dosha), which helps soothe issues related to excess heat and acidity in the body.
  6. Detoxification: The high water content assists in flushing out toxins from your body, promoting detoxification.
  7. Liver Support: Bottle gourd juice benefits liver functioning. A healthy liver helps efficiently metabolise fat in the body and remove toxins.
  8. Skin Benefits: Bottle gourd vitamins such as vitamins C and B that promote healthy and glowing skin by combating free radicals. This supports collagen production and keeps the skin well-hydrated.
  9. Pregnancy Benefits: Having a bottle gourd during pregnancy can benefit pregnant women. It helps prevent dehydration, supplies important nutrients, and promotes the baby's healthy development.
  10. Stress Reduction: Including bottle gourd in your diet may help reduce stress and anxiety.

Bottle Gourd Nutritional Value

Aside from being low in carbs, bottle gourd is also packed with other essential micronutrients. These include:

  1. Bottle gourd vitamins comprise of Vit. C, Vit. A and several B vitamins like B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and B5 (pantothenic acid). These vitamins are important for your immune function, vision, and blood clotting. They are also essential for your energy metabolism.
  2. Calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium are some key minerals in the bottle gourd. Potassium maintains electrolyte balance in the body. It also regulates blood pressure.
  3. It contains antioxidants like beta-carotene and flavonoids. These help to combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Below is a tabular representation of the type and amount of bottle gourd's nutritional components that your body receives per 100 grams of serving. The table elaborately represents the bottle gourd nutritional value:


Serving Size per 100 gm


15 KCal




0.72 gm


0.5 gm


  1. Saturated Fat

  2. Monounsaturated Fat

  3. Polyunsaturated Fat

0.05 gm

  1. 0.004 gm

  2. 0.009 gm

  3. 0.022 gm


148 mg


2 mg

Bottle Gourd Side Effects

Bottle gourd is considered a safe and nutritious vegetable. However, bottle gourd has a few side effects to be mindful of. These are listed below:

  1. Upset Stomach: Too much bottle gourd at once can give you a stomach ache or diarrhoea. So, don't have too much in one sitting and consider having it in moderation.
  2. Bitter Taste: Some bottle gourds can taste bitter, especially if they're too ripe. 
  3. Allergic Reactions: Though rare, a few people might be allergic to bottle gourd. If eating it makes you itch, swell, or have trouble breathing, get help from a doctor immediately.
  4. Toxicity: Sometimes, bottle gourd juice can have toxic compounds called cucurbitacins that can make you sick. To avoid this, choose fresh and ripe gourds. Remember to discard the overly ripe ones.

Daily Consumption Limit

The ideal daily serving of bottle gourd can vary depending on how it is consumed and individual preferences. Here are some insights:

  1. As a vegetable: There is no specific daily dosage recommended when consuming bottle gourd as a vegetable. It can be included in your regular diet in reasonable portions based on your dietary needs and preferences.
  2. Bottle gourd juice: If you consume bottle gourd in juice, a small glass (approximately 200-250 ml) of fresh gourd juice can be consumed daily. There are numerous bottle gourd juice health benefits, particularly when consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. However, individual tolerance may vary.
  3. Ayurvedic perspective: Incorporating gourd vegetables into your diet as a part of a balanced meal plan is highly recommended by Ayurveda. It emphasises moderate consumption to avoid digestive issues. It also suggests adapting quantities to suit your diet or health concerns.


In conclusion, bottle gourd is a versatile vegetable with numerous health benefits. It comes with high nutritional value and has several medicinal properties. However, some side effects are associated with it if you have excess. Therefore, consuming it in moderation is the way for maximum benefits.

Curious about other superfoods like the bottle gourd or need more information? Feel free to contact HexaHealth. It is a platform that provides expert guidance and insights into healthcare, lifestyle, personal wellness and more. So do not look around anymore and connect with HexaHealth today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Bottle gourd is a vinegrown green vegetable. It belongs to the gourd family.

Bottle gourd health benefits include:

  1. Weight loss support
  2. Improved digestion
  3. Better heart health
  4. Detoxification

Bottle gourd is low in calories with a high water content. It is rich in essential nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin B, potassium, and iron.

Bottle gourd juice benefits when consumed daily are as follows:

  1. Reduces skin problems
  2. Cools the body
  3. Helps control blood sugar
  4. Reduces stress

You can consume bottle gourd in various forms. Examples include curries, soups, snacks, and even desserts.

Bottle gourd juice is generally safe. Side effects of bottle gourd juice can include digestive discomfort and allergy. This may happen when it's consumed in excess.

Bottle gourd can be used in curries, soups, snacks, beverages, and desserts. This is due to its mild flavour and versatility.

Sorakaya in English is commonly known as bottle gourd or calabash gourd. Sorakkai in English also refers to bottle gourd. Dudhi in English is also used to describe bottle gourds.

Bottle gourd contributes to health by providing essential nutrients. It also aids in digestion, promotes hydration, and reduces stress.

Bottle gourd juice is low in calories and has high fibre content. This makes it a helpful addition to a weight loss plan.

Pregnant women should consume bottle gourd juice in moderation. They should consult a doctor to know the daily serving amount.

Bottle gourd is good for kidneys but excess consumption should be avoided. Individuals with kidney issues should consult a doctor before adding bottle gourd to their diet.

Individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies to bottle gourd should avoid it. Consult a doctor if uncertain.

Yes, bottle gourd can support liver health. It aids in detoxification and overall liver function.

Bottle gourd's potassium content can help regulate blood pressure. Thus, it is beneficial for BP management.

Yes, bottle gourd has a low glycemic index. This makes it a suitable choice for those managing diabetes.

Individuals with certain medical conditions or allergies to bottle gourd should avoid it. Consult a doctor if uncertain.

Bottle gourd is generally gentle on the stomach. However, excessive consumption of bottle gourd can lead to gas and bloating in some individuals.


All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

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Updated on : 2 January 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


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