Foot Pain

Foot Pain

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Foot Pain

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Foot Pain

What is Foot Pain?

Foot pain can be described as discomfort or pain in any region of the foot, such as the heels, arches, soles, and toes. This condition is more common in older adults, children, or women wearing high heels. Foot pain can result from a minor injury or a significant problem, such as fractures.


What are Risk factors of Foot Pain?

Risk factors for foot pain include:

  1. Standing for a prolonged period
  2. Too much physical activity
  3. Increased weight
  4. Increasing age
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Foot injury, trauma, or deformity
  7. Wearing shoes that do not have a cushion or fit properly
  8. Jobs that increase the risk of a foot injury, such as construction or food service industry
  9. Smoking slows down the healing process
  10. Medical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, gout, tendonitis, broken bones, heel spurs, stress fracture, sprains, damage in the nerve cells, thickening of tissue between the bones, flat feet, hammer toes, thickened foot skin, or bump on the big toe

When to See a Doctor?

You must visit a doctor if you experience:

  1. Sudden and severe foot pain, especially after an injury
  2. Hard, red, and swollen joint
  3. Ulcer or open sore on the feet
  4. A wound in the feet that has not healed correctly 
  5. Tingling or numbness in the feet

What are the Diagnosis of Foot Pain?

During the examination, the doctor initially asks for medical history and symptoms. Based on your symptoms and overall condition, the doctor can further recommend tests like:

  1. Blood tests
  2. X-ray examination
  3. MRI
  4. Computed tomography (CT) scan
  5. Muscle strength tests
  6. Electromyography
  7. Ability to detect vibrations
  8. Skin or nerve biopsy

How is Foot Pain Treated?

Home remedies:

  1. Following are the home remedies for foot pain:
  2. Foot elevation for as long as possible
  3. Application of ice
  4. Wearing comfortable shoes that fit correctly and have proper cushioning
  5. Wearing correct shoes depending on the activity, e.g., sneakers for running
  6. Wearing foot pads to prevent irritation and rubbing

Lifestyle changes:

Following are the lifestyle changes that can help relieve foot pain:

  1. Losing weight (in overweight individuals)
  2. Reduction in physical activity and increase in exercise slowly to avoid strain on the foot
  3. Doing exercises that help in strengthening feet and reducing pain


Following pain-relieving medications can be recommended for foot pain: 

  1. Pain-relieving medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin, celecoxib, naproxen, amitriptyline, pregabalin, or gabapentin
  2. Corticosteroid injections or tablets 
  3. Lotions, gels, or creams can be applied to the affected area.


Other treatments for managing foot pain are: 

  1. Orthotic devices like shoe inserts, also called orthotics, can be available over-the-counter or custom-made.
  2. Cast
  3. Physical therapy

Surgery of the foot

Removal of wart (small, non-cancerous growth on the skin), corn (a small patch of thick dead skin), or callus (thick, large, and hard skin layer)

Updated on : 15 July 2022


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