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Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Obesity

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rajeshwari Panda
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 19 January 2024| min read
Top 10 Yoga Asanas for Obesity

Quick Summary

  • Yoga is one of the crucial aspects of Indian heritage that naturally helps thousands of individuals heal or overcome health adversities. It involves mild exercises and breathing techniques that help relax the mind and body.
  • Obesity refers to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. It can lead to serious health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Trying yoga asanas for obesity can be worthwhile as it is known for burning calories.
  • Here are the top 10 yoga asanas for treating obesity that belong to Hatha and Vinyasa yoga styles:

Yoga for obesity works on reducing fat along with improving the overall health of the body. According to a study, there are two styles of Yoga, i.e. Hatha Yoga (restorative) and Vinyasa yoga (vigorous). Both these yoga styles offer significant weight loss in overweight or obese individuals. Yoga is one of the crucial aspects of Indian heritage that naturally helps thousands of individuals heal or overcome health adversities. It involves mild exercises and breathing techniques that help relax the mind and body.

Obesity refers to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. It can lead to serious health complications such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Trying yoga asanas for obesity can be worthwhile as it is known for burning calories. 

In this write-up, we shall feature the top 10 yoga asanas for treating obesity that belong to these styles. 

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Yoga Asanas for Obesity

Yoga plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy life of an individual. It helps cure several medical conditions and is widely performed worldwide. Below mentioned are the top 10 yoga asanas for obesity.


Dhanurasana is also known as the bow pose. It is one of the yoga asanas for obesity that helps in reducing body fat. Besides managing obesity, Dhanurasana also helps increase the flexibility and strength of the entire back, i.e. it works on the core muscles of the spine region. Also, it improves the balance of the body and relieves constipation, eventually contributing to treating obesity. 

One would become comfortable with this asana within a few days of performing it.  


  1. Lie on your stomach with your hands and legs on either side of the mat or floor.  
  2. While lifting hands, exhale and bend the knees, bringing the ankles near the buttocks. 
  3. Hold the right ankle with the right hand and the left with the left hand. It should be ensured that the toes stay pointed, and the grip should be at the ankle and not the top of the feet. 
  4. It's crucial to feel the stretch at the tailbone area while performing Dhanurasana. The pose should be maintained for about 15 seconds.  


Pranayama, or breathing exercise, is excellent yoga for obesity or weight loss. This, combined with good eating habits, can help control obesity. Pranayama includes different breathing techniques, of which Kapalbhati is the most important. It targets the abdomen's muscles, strengthening and stimulating the digestive system. This, in turn, assists in accelerating the metabolism and the weight loss process.  


  1. Sit on a mat or the floor with an erect spine. Place both hands on the knees. 
  2. Take a deep breath. While exhaling, try to push the navel back towards the spine. One can even place one hand on the stomach to feel the contraction of muscles. 
  3. 20 such breaths would complete 1 round of Kapalbhati. Performing at least  2-3 rounds is suggested for good results. 


Halasana, also known as Plough pose, belongs to Ira Trivedi yoga for obesity or weight loss. Also, this asana is considered for controlling obesity in a research gate article. While performing this pose, one would need to place their body in a way that creates an inversion or upside-down position. 

This pose is known for boosting digestion and relieving constipation. It also helps increase blood circulation, the body's flexibility, the muscles' strength, and the release of built-up mental and physical tension. 


  1. Begin by lying on the back with hands on either side. 
  2. Lift the legs in a way that they become perpendicular to the floor. 
  3. Bending elbows, place the hands under the waist and push the legs over the head. 
  4. Try to push it as much as possible until the toes touch the floor. 
  5. Remain in the posture for about a few seconds and then relax. 


Chakrasana and its variations, such as Ardha chakrasana and Ardha Kati chakrasana, are useful stretching techniques or asanas for obesity treatment through yoga. It is also known as Urdhva Dhanurasana, wheel pose or upward facing the bow. 

This asana improves the body's flexibility and stimulates the adrenal glands. It initiates the fat-burning process in the body with just a few days of practice when merged with a healthy diet and other yoga poses or stretches. 


  1. Lie on the back straight, bend the knees, and bring the feet near the hips. 
  2. Bending the elbows try to bring the palms of the hands under the shoulders over the head. It's important to ensure that the fingers of the hands point to the soles of the feet. 
  3. After positioning this, slowly lift the buttocks and upper body by applying gentle pressure on the palms and feet. 
  4. Try to lift the body as much as possible so that it makes an arc. Remain in the position for about 5 to 10 seconds and cautiously leave the pose step by step, i.e. bending the arms first and then placing the soles on the floor.


When talking about asanas, Padahastasana is listed in the top 10 yoga asanas for obesity. This is because of its ability to help control obesity and offer several other health benefits. 

This asana is also known as hand to feet pose which leads to a significant stretch in the muscles of the thighs, lower back, and calves. It has been featured as one of the asanas of Ayush yoga for obesity due to the health benefits it serves.


  1. Stand straight, ensuring the 2 inches gap between the 2 feet. 
  2. Take a deep breath and stretch the arms above the level of the head. 
  3. Breathe out and bend forward so that they are stretched out. 
  4. While keeping the knees straight, try to bring the head as close as possible to the knees. 
  5. Hold the calves with the hand, stabilise breathing and maintain the pose for about 40-60 seconds. 


Bhujangasana, also known as the cobra pose, is a beneficial yoga asana for obesity that can significantly help reduce body fat when performed with other stretches. 

Along with targeting obesity, this pose helps improve body posture, reduce inflammation, and relieve back pain. Bhujangasana is a spinal extension pose that tones the posterior muscles of the back. It stretches the muscles of the abdomen and strengthens the biceps, triceps, and upper back. 


  1. Begin by lying down on the stomach with feet soles facing upwards, i.e. toes touching the ground. Similarly, the forehead should also touch the ground. 
  2. Place both hands so that the palms touch the ground under the shoulders. 
  3. Lift the upper body slowly while taking a deep breath. 
  4. Apply gentle and equal pressure on both palms while pulling back the torsos. 
  5. Feel a gentle curve on the spine. It is always better to keep the arms straight by forming an arch with the back. 
  6. It is essential to be conscious about the breaths. One must hold the pose for 4-5 breaths and repeat it at least 4-5 times in a single session. 


Obesity treatment through yoga can also be possible if one practices Naukasana. It is a modern yoga pose, also known as the boat pose. 

Naukasana helps strengthen the abdominal region and reduces belly fat at a faster pace. Along with increasing blood circulation, it also helps treat physical problems like back pain. This asana aids in fixing digestive disorders and constipation and toning the legs and arms muscles.


  1. Lie on the floor on the back, keeping feet together and arms resting on either side. 
  2. Begin breathing in, then breathe out while lifting the chest and feet off the ground. 
  3. Stretch the arms towards the feet, so the whole body rests on the hips. While doing this, feel the contraction of muscles in the abdomen. 
  4. Try to hold your breath for a few seconds while in this pose. Slowly breathe out and leave the position. 
  5. Repeat it at least 3-4 times. 

Ardha Chakrasana 

Ardha Chakrasana is a yoga for obesity that is a variation of the Chakrasana. This asana, also known as the half-wheel pose, is comparatively easier to perform than the Chakrasana or the full-wheel pose. It helps in combating obesity when performed with other yoga asanas and healthy eating habits. 

The Ardha chakrasana pose can reduce excess fat from the thighs and the abdominal region. 


  1. Begin by standing straight on the floor. 
  2. Raise your hands straight and bend in the backward direction. It is essential to ensure that the knees do not bend at any point while performing this.  
  3. While taking this pose, try to hold your breath for about a few seconds and exhale while leaving the pose. 
  4. Repeat the pose about 4-5 times a day. 


Sarvangasana is a beneficial yoga asana for obesity. This asana is a kind of inversion pose known as the shoulder stand pose. It helps in not only shedding the extra fat from the body but also toning it into a delicate structure that is balanced and healthy. 

Sarvangasana improves blood circulation and enables the body to throw off all negative energies, stress, or tension. In this asana, one would need to hold their body weight on their shoulders. Due to this, the core muscles get activated, and fat shedding happens. 


  1. Lie down on the back, placing the arms beside the body. 
  2. Slowly raise your legs in the air, positioning them such that they become perpendicular to the floor and the feets face the sky. 
  3. After that, gently lift the hips and the back from the floor. Place the forearms on the floor and support the back with the palms. 
  4. Try to touch the chin with the chest and set your gaze on the feet. Try to position the body so that the shoulders, torsos, and legs form a straight line. 
  5. Begin holding this pose for a few seconds to a few minutes, i.e. up to 5 minutes. 

Surya Namaskar 

Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is another means of obesity treatment through yoga. This asana is known for strengthening the muscles, increasing endurance, and significantly reducing body fat levels. Surya Namaskar is basically about extracting the energies from the sun that benefit human health. The steps of this asana are a series of different yoga poses. 

Increased blood circulation, effective toxic removal, and improved immune system are the benefits of this yoga pose which collectively works in combating obesity. 

Stated below are the 12 different poses of Surya Namaskar, whose regular practice could bring in numerous health benefits 


  1. Pranamasana- Prayer pose 
  2. Hasta uttanasana- Raised arms pose 
  3. Hasta padasana- Hand to foot pose 
  4. Ashwa sanchalanasana- Equestrian pose 
  5. Parvatasana- Mountain pose 
  6. Ashtanga Namaskara- Saluting with eight points 
  7. Bhujangasana- Cobra pose 
  8. Adho mukha svanasana- Downwards facing dog pose 
  9. Hasta padasana- Hand to foot pose  
  10. Hasta uttanasana- Raised arms pose 
  11. Tadasana- Standing mountain pose 

Things to keep in mind while performing these yoga asanas 

The yoga mentioned above asanas can bring numerous health benefits and weight loss unless practised with caution. In order to reap the most out of these yoga asanas for obesity, several things must be kept in mind. They are as follows: 

  1. The first and foremost aspect is to ensure that the mind and body stay in sync throughout, as the yoga asanas are more of meditation than mere exercises. 
  2. Warming the body with quick stretches is essential to impart flexibility and avoid injuries. 
  3. The bowel and bladder should be empty while performing the yoga asanas. That is, one must be on an empty stomach to avoid complications. 
  4. The focus should be on proper ventilation as well. For this, one must wear loose or comfortable clothes. Also, the area of practice should have a good flow of air for better ventilation. 
  5. Maintaining a correct posture and keeping the body loose and flexible while performing any yoga asana is incredibly important. This is because an improper posture or a sudden jerk can invite injuries. 
  6. For the ones suffering from an injury or severe illness, it is suggested to practice yoga under an expert's supervision or avoid the practice.
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Role of Yoga for Obesity 

When an individual attempts yoga for obesity, the body undergoes several changes, initiating the weight loss process. Given below are the different roles that yoga plays in keeping the body healthier and combating obesity: 

  1. Yoga decreases the levels of stress hormones in the body, which leads to enhancing mood and reducing anxiety. Also, it works in keeping away from conditions such as hypertension and diabetes. All this contributes to better health and decreases one's frequency of relying on medicines responsible for weight gain. 
  2. A good mood creates an environment of mindful eating and curbs unnecessary or untimely cravings. This brings a change in eating habits and can support weight loss.  
  3. Yoga reduces joint pains and other discomforts of the body, which lets an individual be more active throughout the day. This, in turn, can also initiate an additional exercise routine,  speeding up the weight loss process more. 


Yoga is a natural remedy that helps an individual maintain the correct weight and enables them to achieve the rejuvenation of mind and body for better survival. Obesity treatment through yoga is a better alternative to other therapies or operative procedures that are sometimes hazardous to health. Thus, adopting yoga for obesity can be a decent choice for those looking to shed those extra pounds. 

HexaHealth is one of the renowned healthcare mediums that provides trusted medical assistance and information to ensure the proper treatment and knowledge to the patients. Feel free to get in touch with us for any medical support. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are many yoga asanas for obesity, out of which the best ones belong to Hatha yoga. To name some, dhanurasana, chakrasana, suryanamaskar, etc., are effective for treating obesity.

Yes, obesity treatment through yoga is possible if you stick to a yoga routine religiously combined with a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle changes. However, you must know that yoga is a natural process, so it would take longer to show results than the other treatments, but it does not bring any side effects. 

Several yoga asanas help in reducing belly fat at a faster pace. A few of these are naukasana, bhujangasana, dhanurasana, and so on.  

Yes, a well-planned yoga routine, i.e. a session for about 20-30 minutes a day, can help reduce weight in a month, provided you switch to a calorie-deficient diet. 

Each body process is different from the others, and thus, the results of yoga on everyone are not typical. However, it has been proven that yoga helps reduce weight healthily, and the loss of inches or grams becomes evident after a few weeks of practice. 

Yes, doing yoga at night can help in weight loss to some extent. That is, it can help improve sleep quality and generate a sense of mindfulness of good eating habits.

Both fitness regimes have their own set of advantages. Yoga, however, is a slow and steady path that not only leads to weight loss but also improves the body's overall health. Increased blood circulation, improvement in mood, emotional balance, etc., are some of the health benefits of yoga.   

A minimum of 20 minutes of yoga a day is required to meet the fitness requirements of the body. To lose weight, you can increase the duration of yoga and follow a healthy diet to see visible results.

Walking alone would not give significant weight loss results; combined with a yoga routine, it can help regulate the body processes better. 

Yoga has several benefits over the gym. These are:

  1. It can be performed by people of any age group 
  2. It not only works on the external psyche but also helps in internal detox 
  3. It has a positive effect on mental health and enables one to achieve sound mental stability 

Yoga asanas for obesity, such as dhanurasana, sarvangasana,  bhujangasana, navasana, suryanamaskar, etc., help in burning the most fat when performed regularly.

Yoga can be performed at any time of the day; however, the best time to perform the yoga asanas is in the morning so that you can energise or kick-start your day. Also, some people prefer the evening to end their day peacefully. 

You must avoid drinking water just before or in between the yoga session. Though,  you must drink a glass of water 15 to 20 minutes before the session so that the body stays hydrated for longer. 

Make sure you do not eat just before starting the session, eat at least 20 minutes before the session begins. Before practising yoga, you can binge on dry fruits, date bars, protein shakes, or protein bars. 

Not eating or drinking anything immediately after the yoga session is advised. It's always better to wait at least 20 to 30 minutes to drink water after you are done with the yoga asanas.  

After performing the yoga asanas, a meal should be light with more protein-rich food on the plate. You can consider consuming vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, etc. 

It is always better to perform yoga asanas on an empty stomach for better results, as it will improve the focus and will not lead to distractions. 

There will be a dramatic change in your body if you perform a few sets of yoga asanas daily. You would feel energetic, confident, and healthy as yoga brings numerous health benefits that lead to a better life. 

When you stop doing yoga, there will be no side effects, and the body will not feature any health adversity. However, there are chances that you might experience the gained benefits fading with time. 

Last Updated on: 19 January 2024

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Rajeshwari Panda

Dr. Rajeshwari Panda

MSc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Certified National Diabetic Educator

6 Years Experience

Dr Rajeshwari Panda is a well-known Dietitian currently associated with SRV Hospital, Chembur. She has 6 years of experience in nutrition and dietetics and worked as an expert dietitian in different cities in India. She has worked i...View More


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