MBBS, MD Internal Medicine, MD Neurology
13+ Years
98% Recommended
(90 Ratings)
Book Appointment with Dr. Rajesh Shetty
Connect to Dr Rajesh Shetty for priority appointments and hassle free experience via the medical experts of HexaHealth
Dr. Rajesh Shetty performs major interventions in the following specialities:
Dr. Rajesh Shetty specializes in the following treatments:
Check the availability of Dr. Rajesh Shetty for the appointment and consultation in the hospitals below.
Based on 90 ratings
Good doctors
Dr. Rajesh Shetty specialises in Neurology.
Doctor Rajesh Shetty practices at the following hospitals:
Dr. Rajesh Shetty has 13 years of experience in Neurology.
You can visit HexaHealth website to book an online appointment with Dr. Rajesh Shetty through WhatsApp or Phone Call on our 24*7 helpline number 6366530173 or email us at
The consultation timings of Dr. Rajesh Shetty for an appointment are:
Mon - Sat
10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
The Consultation Fee of Doctor Rajesh Shetty is available on Call on 24*7 helpline number 6366530173.
Dr. Rajesh Shetty's qualifications are: MBBS, MD Internal Medicine, MD Neurology.
There are 90% ratings and 98% recommendation for Dr. Rajesh Shetty based on the patient's feedback.
Doctor Rajesh Shetty specializes in the following treatments:
Book Appointment with Dr. Rajesh Shetty
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