Bartholin Cyst - Symptoms, Causes, Images & Treatment

Bartholin Cyst

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Bartholin Cyst

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Did you know around 2% of all women can develop Bartholin cysts at some point? These lumps, found near the vaginal opening, are often harmless but can be a source of discomfort. 

Despite being relatively common, many individuals may not be familiar with this condition. This blog will discuss Bartholin cyst symptoms, causes, and treatment options available for those affected. Read on!

Disease Name

Bartholin Cyst

Alternative Name

Vulvar Cyst


Swelling, Discomfort, Pain


Bacterial Infection, Trauma


Visual Inspection, Pelvic Exam, Fluid Analysis

Treated By


Treatment Options

Home Treatment, Antibiotics, Marsupialisation

What is a Bartholin Cyst?

Bartholin cyst, a fluid-filled sac that develops on one of the Bartholin glands, located on sides of the vaginal opening. These glands secrete fluid, which helps lubricate the vagina.

Bartholin Cyst Grades

Bartholin's lumps can progress through various stages, indicating the severity of the condition and treatment choice. The following table outlines the key grades:



Grade 1


Grade 2

Mild Discomfort

Grade 3

Infected Lump, Moderate Pain

Grade 4

Severe Pain, Abscess (Pus)

Bartholin Cyst Symptoms and Signs

Bartholin cyst symptoms can range from mild discomfort to severe pain. This depends on the size and progression of the lump. 

The major signs associated with this condition are as follows:

  1. Swelling or redness near the vaginal opening

  2. Discomfort during activities like walking or sitting

  3. Pain during sexual intercourse

  4. Formation of a visible lump or mass

  5. Presence of pus if the growth becomes infected

  6. Fever or chills in cases of severe infection

Bartholin Cyst Causes

One of the major Bartholin cyst causes involves blockages in the ducts of the Bartholin's glands. However, these clogs can also occur due to other factors, leading to the development of the lumps. The significant elements include:

  1. Infection: Bacterial growth in the blocked ducts can cause inflammation. This may result in the development of an infected lump.

  2. Sexually Transmitted Infections: Certain STIs, such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia, can cause issues in the Bartholin's gland ducts, leading to lumps.  

Bartholin Cyst Risk Factors

Several factors may increase the likelihood of developing Bartholin’s bumps. Understanding the key elements can help individuals identify potential triggers. These include:

  1. Age: Women, mostly between 20 and 30 years old, are more prone to developing vaginal lumps due to hormonal changes.

  2. Sexual Activity: Engaging in sexual intercourse, especially with multiple partners, can enhance the risk of bacterial infections. This can eventually lead to bumps.

  3. History of Bartholin Cysts: Individuals who have previously experienced this condition are at a higher risk of recurrence.

  4. Trauma or Injury: Damage to the glands or surrounding tissue, such as during childbirth, can increase the risk of growth formation.

Prevention of Bartholin Cyst

While Bartholin gland cysts may not always be preventable, certain lifestyle changes and dietary considerations can help reduce the risk. The recommendations for prevention are categorised into dos and don'ts below.



Maintain genital hygiene (don’t wash the vagina from inside)

Use harsh soaps or fragrances

Practise safe sex to prevent STIs

Wear tight clothing that may cause friction

Discuss contraceptive options with a doctor

Ignore symptoms of infection

How is a bartholin cyst diagnosed?

To diagnose Bartholin's growth, healthcare providers use several methods to identify and assess the condition. The key steps involved are:

  1. Medical History: Gathering information about symptoms, previous occurrences, and sexual activity helps understand the patient's health status.

  2. Physical Examination: A doctor assesses the genital area for swelling, redness, and tenderness near the vaginal opening.

  3. Pelvic Exam: The medical professional will conduct a thorough pelvic test to examine the presence, size, and characteristics of the lump.

  4. Fluid Analysis: If the bump produces any pus or discharge, it may be collected and tested for infections like STIs.

How to prepare for the doctor’s consultation?

Medical consultation is essential for effective and optimal healthcare outcomes. The tips below can assist patients in making the most of their visit:

  1. Preparation: Schedule an appointment in advance, arrive on time, and complete any necessary registration paperwork. Bring along the medical history, including any relevant test results or medications.

  2. Questions to Ask: The inquiries can be about the potential causes, symptoms, and treatment options. This helps to maintain realistic expectations.

Bartholin Cyst Treatment

Bartholin cyst treatment varies depending on the severity of symptoms and the presence of infection. The overview is provided below.

Home Treatment

Mild lumps may be managed at home with relievers to alleviate discomfort and promote cyst drainage. Let’s see how:

  1. Take warm sitz baths several times a day.

  2. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be prescribed to manage pain and inflammation.

  3. Avoid sexual activity until the cyst has healed to prevent irritation or infection.


Medicines may be prescribed to prevent and treat bacterial infections. Generally, a gynaecologist may recommend the following:

  1. Antibiotics and pain relievers may be recommended to alleviate discomfort.

  2. Topical ointments and warm compresses may help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Bartholin Cyst Surgery

Surgical intervention may be necessary for individuals experiencing recurrent or severe symptoms. The options available are: 

  1. Marsupialisation: It involves making a small incision in the lump to drain fluid and then stitching the edges of the wall.

  2. Excision (Bartholin Cyst Removal): Surgical removal of the entire cyst and affected gland to prevent recurrence and alleviate symptoms.

Note: The treatment method chosen is based on the patient's health and the doctor’s opinion.

Estimated Costs of Bartholin Cyst Treatment

The costs associated with Bartholin cyst removal can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the condition and the chosen treatment approach. However, the general overview is provided below.

Treatment Options 

Cost Estimate Range


₹ 30,000 - ₹ 50,000

Surgical Excision

₹ 25,000 - ₹ 40,000

Note: The values listed above are all estimated. To get accurate pricing information, contact HexaHealth.

Risks of Delaying Bartholin Cyst Treatment

Delaying Bartholin cyst treatment can lead to various complications, potentially worsening the condition. The risks associated with leaving this condition untreated are:

  1. Infection: Delaying treatment can cause the lump to become infected, leading to increased pain and swelling. It can also spread to other organs and cause additional issues like septicemia (blood poisoning). 

  2. Abscess Formation: An untreated lump can develop pus, causing intense pain, fever, and dyspareunia (painful intercourse).

When to consult a doctor?

The specific situations when patients should seek medical attention are:

  1. Difficulty or pain during sexual intercourse.

  2. Redness, tenderness, or inflammation in the genital area.

  3. Formation of a visible abscess or pus drainage from the cyst.

  4. Worsening symptoms despite home remedies or over-the-counter treatments.

  5. Recurrence of Bartholin’s lumps or abscesses.


By understanding the causes and signs of Bartholin cysts, individuals can take proactive steps to address the condition effectively. Whether opting for home remedies, medications, or surgical procedures, consulting a professional ensures expert care.

At HexaHealth, we understand the importance of top-notch healthcare support. We connect individuals with doctors who offer precise diagnoses and top Bartholin cyst treatment options. So, why wait? Contact us today!

FAQs for Bartholin Cyst

What is a Bartholin cyst?

A Bartholin’s cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms near the vaginal opening. It happens when the ducts of Bartholin's glands become blocked, causing swelling and discomfort.

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What causes Bartholin cysts to develop?

Bartholin's lumps develop mainly due to various factors that obstruct the ducts of its glands. The main causes include:

  1. Blockage of ducts

  2. Bacterial infection

  3. Trauma or injury

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What are the symptoms of a Bartholin cyst?

Bartholin cyst symptoms can vary in severity but often involve discomfort and swelling. Other signs include:

  1. Pain during sexual intercourse

  2. Presence of pus or drainage if the lump becomes infected

  3. Difficulty in walking or moving

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Are Bartholin cysts painful?

Bartholin’s lumps can cause discomfort or pain, particularly when they become swollen or infected. The level of pain experienced varies among individuals and depends on its size and severity.

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How are Bartholin cysts diagnosed?

Bartholin’s bumps are diagnosed through a combination of physical examination and, if necessary, additional tests. This is how healthcare providers commonly detect the condition:

  1. Pelvic examination

  2. Fluid analysis

  3. Medical history review

  4. Visual inspection

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Can Bartholin cysts go away on their own?

Bartholin’s lumps may sometimes resolve on their own, particularly if they are small and asymptomatic. However, larger cysts or those causing discomfort often require medical intervention for drainage or surgical removal.

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What are the treatment options for Bartholin cysts?

Treatment options for Bartholin’s lumps aim to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications. The available interventions are:

  1. Home remedies

  2. Antibiotics

  3. Surgical drainage (Marsupialisation)

  4. Excision surgery

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Is surgery necessary to remove a Bartholin cyst?

Surgery is not always necessary for Bartholin’s lumps. Depending on the size and severity, treatment options such as home remedies or medications may help resolve the issue.

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What is the recovery time after Bartholin cyst removal surgery?

Recovery time after Bartholin cyst removal surgery, particularly marsupialisation, typically ranges from 2 to 4 weeks. During this period, patients may experience some discomfort and swelling.

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Can Bartholin cysts reoccur after treatment?

Yes, Bartholin’s lumps can reoccur after treatment. This can particularly happen when the underlying cause, such as blockage or infection, is not effectively addressed.

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Are there any home remedies for managing Bartholin cysts?

While medical consultation is recommended for Bartholin lumps, some home remedies may help alleviate discomfort. These include:

  1. Warm sitz baths

  2. Over-the-counter pain relievers

  3. Maintaining good genital hygiene

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Can Bartholin cysts lead to complications if left untreated?

If left untreated, Bartholin’s lumps can potentially lead to complications due to infection. The possible consequences are:

  1. Abscess development

  2. Increased pain and discomfort

  3. Difficulty walking or sitting

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Are there different types of Bartholin cysts?

Yes, there are different types of Bartholin’s lumps, each with distinct characteristics. The list of the types is given below.

  1. Mild

  2. Infected

  3. Bartholin Abscess

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How common are Bartholin cysts?

Bartholin’s lumps are relatively common, affecting about 2% of all women at some point in their lives. These fluid-filled sacs can cause discomfort and pain but are mostly manageable with proper treatment.

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Can Bartholin Cyst lead to cancer?

Bartholin’s lumps themselves are mostly harmless. However, it's important to rule out the possibility of cancer. This is especially necessary for women over 40 years old with a mass near the Bartholin's glands.

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What is Marsupialisation?

Marsupialisation is a surgical procedure used to treat Bartholin’s lumps or abscesses. It is done by creating a small incision in the cyst wall and stitching it to the surrounding tissue. This method forms a small pouch for continuous drainage and prevention of recurrence.

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Can Bartholin cyst be removed permanently?

Bartholin’s bumps can be removed permanently through surgical procedures such as excision or gland removal. However, recurrence is possible in some cases.

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Is Bartholin cyst dangerous?

Bartholin’s bumps are generally harmless. However, they can cause discomfort, pain, and potential complications if left untreated, such as infection.

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Can tight pants cause Bartholin cyst?

Wearing tight pants may not directly cause Bartholin’s growth. However, they can contribute to discomfort and worsen symptoms in individuals already affected by this condition.

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All the articles on HexaHealth are supported by verified medically-recognized sources such as; peer-reviewed academic research papers, research institutions, and medical journals. Our medical reviewers also check references of the articles to prioritize accuracy and relevance. Refer to our detailed editorial policy for more information.

  1. Lee WA, Wittler M. Bartholin Gland Cyst [Internet]. PubMed. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing;
  2. Bartholin Cyst: Causes, Treatment, Symptoms & Removal [Internet]. Cleveland Clinic. [cited 2024 Apr 8]. link
  3. Bartholin’s cyst: Causes, treatment, and symptoms [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2024 Apr 8].link
  4. Bartholin’s cyst: Treatment depends on size, pain, infection-Bartholin’s cyst - Symptoms & causes [Internet]. Mayo Clinic. [cited 2024 Apr 8].link
  5. So-Called “Feminine” Hygiene Is Important for Anyone Who Has A Vagina [Internet]. Healthline.
  6. Bartholin’s cyst - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic [Internet].
  7. Bartholin’s Abscess: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments [Internet]. Healthline. 2015 [cited 2024 Apr 8]. link
  8. Bartholin Cyst: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments [Internet]. Cleveland
  9. Marsupialization: Purpose, Procedure, Side Effects & Recovery [Internet]. Cleveland
  10. Akbarzadeh-Jahromi M, Sari Aslani F, Omidifar N, Amooee S. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of Bartholin’s Gland Clinically Mimics Endometriosis, A Case Report. Iranian journal of medical sciences [Internet]. 2014 [cited 2024 Apr 8];39(6):580–

Updated on : 8 April 2024


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