How to Clean Stomach Instantly? Stomach Cleanse Best Ways

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 22 September 2023
How to Clean Stomach Instantly? Stomach Cleanse Best Ways

A clean stomach is essential for a healthy and happy life, but with so many toxins and impurities constantly entering our bodies, it can be difficult to maintain a clean stomach. The good news is, there are ways to clean your stomach instantly and improve your digestion and overall health.

Cleaning your stomach instantly can be achieved through a combination of natural remedies and lifestyle changes. This can include consuming detoxifying foods, drinking plenty of water, and doing a short-term detox cleanse. This can not only improve your digestion but can also help boost your energy levels, and even lose weight. 

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What is Stomach Cleanse?

Stomach cleanse is a quick and comparatively simple method of getting rid of bacteria in your stomach. Your initial step toward better health must be eliminating pathogenic germs present in your stomach by doing a proper cleanse.

The stomach is in charge of breaking down food with digestive juices into energy and elements that the body can use. Your quest for better health should therefore begin here. A gastrointestinal issue is frequently caused because of gastroparesis. 

Gastroparesis is a condition that inhibits digestion by altering the muscles making it difficult to empty the stomach. Symptoms of gastroparesis include pain, nausea, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux, and indigestion, among others.

Now that we know what cleansing the stomach means, let's read about some Home Remedies to Cleanse the Stomach naturally

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Home Remedies to Cleanse the Stomach Naturally

There are some home remedies that may help support overall digestive health and promote a healthy gut. Some popular home remedies for how to clean Stomach instantly or detox the body include:

  1. Lemon water
    1. Drinking lemon water in the morning can help with stomach cleansing and improve digestion due to the high content of Vitamin C and citric acid in lemons. 
    2. These nutrients act as antioxidants, stimulate digestive enzymes, and promote a healthy pH balance in the stomach.
  2. Apple cider vinegar
    1. Taking a shot of apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach can improve digestion and help to cleanse the stomach by stimulating the production of stomach acid and promoting a healthy pH balance.
  3. Drinking lots of water
    1. Staying hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily can help to flush toxins from the body and keep the digestive system functioning properly.
    2. It can also help to prevent constipation and promote regular bowel movements, which is crucial for stomach cleansing.
  4. Saltwater flush
    1. A cup of lukewarm water with sea salt or Himalayan pink salt can help to cleanse the stomach by promoting bowel movements and flushing out toxins.
  5. Water with honey and lemon
    1. Drinking water with lemon and honey can help to cleanse the stomach by eliminating harmful bacteria with the natural antibacterial properties.
  6. Smoothies and juices
    1. Having smoothies and juices made from fruits and vegetables can help to cleanse the stomach due to their high fibre, vitamin, and mineral content
    2. This can promote regular bowel movements and eliminate toxins.
  7. Organic and herbal teas
    1. Drinking organic and herbal teas, such as ginger or cayenne pepper tea, can help to cleanse the stomach by providing antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds that eliminate harmful bacteria and reduce inflammation.
  8. Ginger
    1. Ginger is a natural stomach cleanser that can help to reduce inflammation, stimulate digestion, and promote healthy bowel movements. 
    2. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help to eliminate toxins and reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

Are you still wondering how to clean stomach? Let's read further about the food items to eat and food items to not eat for a stomach cleanse. 

Food Items that help in Stomach Cleanse

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can support the body's natural detoxification processes and cleanses the stomach. Some specific foods that may be beneficial for digestive health include:

  1. Fruits and vegetables: These foods are rich in fibre, which keeps the digestive system moving and promotes regular bowel movements. Fruits and vegetables also provide a variety of antioxidants and other nutrients that can support overall health.
  2. Whole grains: High fibre grains, such as quinoa, oats and brown rice support healthy digestion.
  3. Fermented foods: Foods, such as kimchi, yoghurt and sauerkraut, contain beneficial bacteria that balance the microbiome in the digestive system.
  4. Water: Staying hydrated is essential for overall health and can support healthy digestion. Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water per day.
  5. Herbs and spices: Some herbs and spices, such as ginger, turmeric, and fennel have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that can help fight off harmful bacteria in the gut.

It is generally recommended to aim for at least 38 grams fibre per day for men and 25 grams of fibre per day for women. To increase your fibre intake, try incorporating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes into your diet.

Food Items to avoid for a clean stomach

Certain foods may contribute to digestive issues, such as constipation, bloating, and gas. If you want to support healthy digestion, avoiding or limiting certain types of food may be helpful.

Here are some food items that may be beneficial to avoid in how to clean Stomach instantly:

  1. Processed and packaged foods: These foods are often high in additives, preservatives, and other ingredients that may be difficult to digest. They may also be high in added sugars, which can contribute to constipation. Eg. Chips, crackers, sugary etc. 
  2. High-fat foods: Foods high in fat, such as fried foods, can be challenging to digest and contribute to bloating and gas.
  3. Alcohol: Drinking alcohol can irritate the stomach lining and interfere with digestion. It can also contribute to dehydration, which can cause constipation and difficulties in a stomach cleanse.
  4. Carbonated beverages: Drinks such as soda and seltzer, can cause bloating and gas. They may also be high in added sugars, which can contribute to constipation.
  5. Red meat: It is high in fat and can be challenging to digest. It may also contribute to constipation.
  6. Refined grains: White bread, pasta, and other refined grains are low in fibre and may contribute to constipation.
  7. Artificial sweeteners: Some people may be sensitive to artificial sweeteners, which can cause digestive issues such as bloating and gas.

It is important to note that no single food can "clean" the Stomach or detox the body. The best way to support the natural detoxification processes of the body and how to clean Stomach is to eat a varied, balanced diet and stay hydrated. 

Exercises to Help in Stomach Cleanse

Exercise can be a beneficial part of a healthy lifestyle and can support overall digestive health. Some exercises that may be particularly helpful for improving digestion and promoting a healthy gut include: 

  1. Sit-ups: They aid digestive problems like constipation, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome by inducing bowel movements. For at least 20–30 sit-ups, repeat the exercise repeatedly.
  2. Leg raises: Also known as uttanpadasana, are exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles. Leg raises, which can be done 20–30 times a day, are a useful daily exercise for reducing indigestion and Stomach bloating and helping us to clean the Stomach.
  3. Spine Twist: This workout is suitable for kick-starting the digestive process.
  4. Apanasana: This posture relieves bloating and issues of gas. It would help if you practised this yoga position ten times each day.

Ayurvedic Methods to Cleanse the Stomach

Ayurveda is a traditional medicine system that originated in India and is based on the belief that balance in the body and mind is essential for good health.

Some practitioners of Ayurveda may recommend certain herbs, supplements, or practices to cleanse the Stomach or detox the body. The following are some Ayurvedic Methods that answer our question on How to clean Stomach instantly:

  1. Hartaki: Taking a Hartaki daily helps ease constipation. Depending on your dosha, you can consume ghruta, candy sugar, and powdered hartaki.
  2. Isabgol: In addition to treating constipation, isabgol lowers cholesterol and normalises gastrointestinal function.
  3. Ipomoea turpethum: It is also known as nisoth, and is a plant with leaves and roots employed as laxatives in Ayurveda.
  4. Yahtimadhu: The antacid yastimadhu lessens acidity and hyperacidity. Additionally, it lessens chest congestion and reduces the development of ulcers.

When to see a doctor?

If you are experiencing digestive issues, such as constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain, it is essential to speak with a healthcare provider. They can help you determine the cause of your symptoms and provide appropriate treatment.

It is also essential to speak to a doctor before starting any new diet or supplements, especially if you have an underlying health issue. Some "stomach cleanses" or "detoxes" may contain ingredients that have not been adequately tested for safety or effectiveness, and some may even be harmful.


The best way to support the body's natural detoxification processes is to eat a healthy, balanced diet that contains vegetables, fruits and whole grains. It is essential to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and avoiding sugary drinks and alcohol. The above article talks about the best way to clean Stomach. If you follow the above-written methods, you won't have to worry about discomfort or stomach issues.  

If you are facing issues such as abdominal pain, constipation, bloating etc., the expert doctors at HexaHealth will guide you through the best treatment options for a stomach cleanse without any hassle. So don't delay if you have stomach issues; contact HexaHealth now!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to clean stomach naturally?

There are several ways on how to clean stomach naturally, including drinking plenty of water, eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, incorporating fibre-rich foods, staying physically active, and trying herbal remedies such as ginger, turmeric, and dandelion.

How long does it take for a full stomach cleanse?

The length of time for a full stomach cleanse can vary depending on various factors, such as a person's diet, activity level, and overall health. On average, food takes about 36 hours to move through the digestive system. However, this can vary widely and may be shorter or longer depending on individual circumstances.

How to clean stomach instantly and get rid of old poop in your colon?

To support the natural removal of waste and old faeces from the colon and maintain a healthy digestive system, it is important to drink plenty of water, eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fibre, stay physically active, and consider taking a laxative if needed.

How to get loose motion to clean stomach?

Laxatives can be used to get loose motion. However, it is important to note that using laxatives to intentionally cause diarrhoea is not a healthy or safe practice. Laxatives can be habit-forming and can interfere with the body's natural digestive processes if used improperly or for an extended period.

How to vomit to clean stomach?

The best approach for naturally causing vomiting is salt water. A glass of water with two teaspoons of salt in it should be consumed as the salty sensation could cause nausea and vomiting. The mixture made by mixing 1 tsp of mustard with a glass of warm water aids in causing vomiting.

What food will empty my bowels?

To support the natural process of bowel movements and promote the emptying of the bowels, it is helpful to consume high-fibre foods, drink plenty of water, eat fruits and vegetables, try legumes, and consider eating prunes.

Which foods stay in your stomach the longest?

The length of time that food stays in the stomach can vary depending on various factors, including the type and amount of food consumed, the presence of other factors such as medications or medical conditions, and an individual's personal metabolism. In general, foods that are high in fibre and protein tend to stay in the stomach longer than foods that are high in fat or simple sugars. Foods that are more difficult to digest, such as some types of vegetables and whole grains, may also stay in the stomach longer.

What are the signs of a blocked bowel?

Signs of a blocked bowel, also known as an intestinal obstruction, can include abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, constipation, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, and fever. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention immediately, as a blocked bowel can be a severe and potentially life-threatening condition.

How many times should you poop a day?

The frequency of bowel movements can vary widely from person to person and can depend on various factors, such as diet, activity level, and overall health. It is generally considered normal to have anywhere from three bowel movements per day to three per week.

However, as long as a person is not experiencing any discomfort or difficulty with bowel movements and their stool is soft and easy to pass, their bowel movement frequency may be considered normal.

How long is too long for constipation?

Constipation is generally defined as having fewer than three bowel movements per week or experiencing difficulty passing stool. It is important to note that constipation can be a symptom of other underlying health conditions, such as a dietary issue, a lack of physical activity, or a medical condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

How much water do you need to drink to relieve constipation?

Drinking plenty of water can help to alleviate constipation by keeping the body hydrated and aiding in the digestion and elimination of waste. Drinking at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, or about 64 ounces, is generally recommended.

How do you clear a bowel obstruction without surgery?

A bowel obstruction may be treated with medications to help relax the muscles in the intestine, enemas to help remove gas and faeces, or a feeding tube to provide nutrition. In some cases, a bowel obstruction may resolve on its own without treatment. 

What foods cause bowel obstruction?

While certain foods themselves do not directly cause an obstruction, certain eating habits or behaviours can increase the risk of developing an obstruction. For example, consuming large amounts of dry, hard foods, such as popcorn or nuts, can increase the risk of an obstruction due to difficulty digesting these foods. Consuming large amounts of non-food items, such as small toys or jewellery, can also increase the risk of obstruction.

How long does it take to flush the stomach?

The length of time it takes for the stomach to empty can vary depending on various factors, such as the type and amount of food consumed, other factors, such as medications or medical conditions, and an individual's metabolism. On average, it takes about 45 minutes to 2 hours for the stomach to empty after consuming a small meal. However, this can vary widely and may be shorter or longer depending on individual circumstances.

Updated on : 22 September 2023


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


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