New Update on Ayushman Bharat Mitra: Importance and Facts

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Sangeeta Sharma, last updated on 17 February 2023| min read
New Update on Ayushman Bharat Mitra: Importance and Facts

Quick Summary

  • Ayushman Bharat is the world's largest government-funded healthcare programme. It is also known as "Modicare" and is modelled after Obama Care.
  • The programme has two parts:
    1. The Pradhan Mantri Jan ArogyaYojana (PM-JAY)
    2. Health and Wellness Centers (HWCs)
  • PM-JAY provides financial security for using secondary and tertiary healthcare services. The PM Jan Arogya Yojna is the most vital component of this scheme, providing health insurance to poor people.
  • HWCs were designed to increase access to affordable, high-quality healthcare at the primary level.

Ayushman Bharat was established as the world's most extensive government-funded healthcare programme. It has been dubbed "Modicare" and is modelled after Obama Care. PM-JAY was launched on September 23rd, 2018 in Ranchi by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. All pre-existing conditions are covered from day one, and services include around 1,393 procedures. The National Health Protection Scheme is another name for the programme.

The main goal was to address health problems at all three educational levels—Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary. There are two parts to this programme:

  1.  The Pradhan Mantri The National Health Protection Scheme (NHPS) 
  2.  Health and Wellness Centers are now called Jan ArogyaYojana (PM-JAY) (HWCs)

Ayushman Bharat was an integrated strategy that includes primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare and health insurance. The Ayushman Bharat Yojna was established to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), that is, to "leave no one behind,". The purpose of PM-JAY was to offer financial security for using secondary and tertiary healthcare services. The PM Jan Arogya Yojna is the most vital component of this scheme, providing health insurance to poor people. The Health and Wellness Centers, on the other hand, were designed to increase access to affordable, high-quality healthcare at the primary level.

Facts on Ayushman Bharat

  1. In April 2018, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the scheme.
  2. The Ayushman Bharat Scheme has operationalised 75,532 Ayushman Bharat Health and Wellness Centres. By 2022, it has set a 1.5 lakh Health and Wellness Centres goal.
  3. The Socio-Economic Census Database is used to choose the beneficiaries.
  4. Being the world's most extensive health insurance programme, it seeks to give each family an annual health insurance benefit of five lakh rupees.
  5. Pradhan Mantri's beneficiaries The Jan Arogya Yojana is for the bottom 40% of Indians.
  6. The programme also includes pre-and post-hospitalisation stays of fifteen days each that consists of the cost of the testing and medications.
  7. Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana and the Senior Citizen Health Insurance Scheme were incorporated into the new programme.
  8. The programme offers packages that cost 15% less than the Central Government Health Schemes and include Knee Replacement, Bypass Surgery, and other procedures.
  9. To achieve one of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) of the United Nations, "leave no one behind," the Narendra Modi government's flagship programme was launched along the lines of universal health care.

Despite all the struggles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, India has operationalised 75,532 Ayushman Bharat-Health and Wellness Centers (HWCs). By December this year, the nation expects to have functionalised 1.5 lakh HWCs.

What is the purpose of Ayushman Bharat Diwas?

As part of the Gram Swaraj Abhiyan, Ayushman Bharat Diwas is observed on April 30th each year nationwide. The Ayushman Bharat Yojana was also unveiled on this day by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Ayushman Bharat makes sure that patients from all regions of the nation receive the benefits of the healthcare programme. Over ten crore poor and disadvantaged families are intended to receive medical services and cashless healthcare benefits. Additionally, the programme offers users coverage of up to Rs 5 lakh per year. The importance of this healthcare programme, which benefits the most vulnerable members of society, is recognised on Ayushman Bharat Diwas.

  1. The purpose is to raise awareness of the government's healthcare programme among those living in rural areas.
  2. The Ayushman Bharat Diwas is observed to accomplish two goals; They are responsible for providing insurance benefits to the underprivileged and promoting their health and wellbeing.
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Ayushman Mitra: What is it?

  1. Ayushman Mitra is a central government project under the Ayushman Bharat Scheme, which will employ about 10 lakh Indians over five years. It will aid in finding jobs for unemployed young people.
  2. The government and private hospitals will hire around 1 lakh young people as Ayushman Mitra employees. It will result in the creation of newer jobs in our nation.
  3. The employed youth will receive a monthly wage of Rs 15,000 under the PMJAY programme. Additionally, nurses, doctors, technicians, and personnel will be provided with more possibilities after implementing the system.

Chatbot Support for PM-JAY Recipients:

Additionally, the Union Health Ministry has launched a chatbot called "Ask Ayushman" on WhatsApp. The AI-enabled assistant allows the beneficiaries to look up information on many parts of the programme. It includes features, advantages, how to locate the closest hospital, how to create an e-card, how to provide feedback, and how to file a complaint. One of the best characteristics of the chatbot is that it can understand and answer in both Hindi and English. It can typically be utilised on all major social media sites and provides users with a text-to-speech feature.

Ayushman Bharat Yojana's COVID Treatment Coverage

Additionally, PM-JAY recipients receive financial assistance for coronavirus testing and treatment. Public and private hospitals receive funding for COVID medical care from their respective state governments.


A political and administrative framework change has historically posed difficulties for many healthcare cooperation efforts. Such partnerships must have reliable ongoing independent monitoring and evaluation information, not just for the project they are working on but also to support the future adoption of partnership models in Universal Health Coverage (UHC). Healthy partnerships improve the possibility for future usage of the partnership model as part of UHC, not simply for project outsourcing or contracting. The implementation of Ayushman Bharat will undoubtedly alter the landscape of Indian healthcare.

For further queries about the scheme, you can contact a HexaHealth expert by logging in on HexaHealth or calling the Ayushman Bharat helpline number - 14555.

Frequently Asked Questions on Ayushman Bharat Yojana

Q. What is the Scheme’s Covered Amount?
A. For secondary and tertiary care, qualified families are each given a cashless treatment allowance of 5 lakhs per year on a family floater basis.

Q. Who is qualified to use this Scheme's benefits?
A. According to established criteria, all families listed in the SECC-2011 database will be covered.

Q. What disorders are covered under this programme by private hospitals for PMJAY Card holders?
A. According to the PMJAY's rules and regulations, 1394 packages that include surgery, medical and daycare treatments, as well as medication and diagnostics, are now covered.

Q. Do Government Hospitals have any special packages?
A. Yes. There are 221 operations in total that are only available in government institutions.

Q. Are there any costs associated with receiving the card for beneficiaries?
A. No, there is no cost associated with receiving the card, either.

Updated on : 17 February 2023

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational and learning purposes only. It doesn't cover every medical condition and might not be relevant to your personal situation. This information isn't medical advice, isn't meant for diagnosing any condition, and shouldn't replace talking to a certified medical or healthcare professional.


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


Sangeeta Sharma

Sangeeta Sharma

BSc. Biochemistry I MSc. Biochemistry (Oxford College Bangalore)

6 Years Experience

She has extensive experience in content and regulatory writing with reputed organisations like Sun Pharmaceuticals and Innodata. Skilled in SEO and passionate about creating informative and engaging medical conten...View More

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