Best Yoga Poses to Fix Heel Pain - Benefits and Results

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Aman Priya Khanna
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 12 December 2023
Best Yoga Poses to Fix Heel Pain - Benefits and Results

You are sitting on a chair, standing up to grab a glass of water, but suddenly you experience a sharp pain in your heel. Or you may be noticing the same pain when you wake up in the morning. Unfortunately, this heel pain can worsen if you do not attend to it soon. It may also restrict you from doing regular activities like walking or running. Some common reasons that result in heel pain include ill-fitted shoes, plantar fasciitis, obesity, etc. 

Would you believe it if we told you that yoga for heel pain could help? A simple yoga posture can do marvels for your heel pain. Yoga enables you to understand your body and makes you fitter and stronger inside and out. It makes you much more flexible. So, get ready to heal your heels with yoga! 

Role of Yoga for Heel pain

Yoga is beneficial for the entire body, but it also aids heel pain by:

  1. Helping the Achilles tendon (the tendon connecting calf muscle to heel) and calf muscles to remain loose and flexible
  2. Strengthening the weaker muscles of the feet
  3. Releasing stress and strain on the feet
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Benefits of Yoga

Practising yoga may benefit a person as it:

  1. Strengthen the heels and legs
  2. Alleviates stress
  3. Clears and relaxes the mind 
  4. Reduces heel pain

Yoga poses for Heel pain

Yoga may help you get rid of your heel pain, but it’s essential to know the right asanas that target specific muscles and ligaments. Some of the yoga poses for heel pain include:

  1. Tadasana
  2. Utkatasana
  3. Adho mukha svanasana
  4. Vajrasana
  5. Virbhadrasana
  6. Bandhakoasana

Tadasana (Mountain pose)

The mountain pose rejuvenates and activates the entire body. It increases mobility and strength in the feet, ankles, thigh, and hip area. To do tadasana: 

  1. Stand straight on your feet
  2. Keep your toes and heels together
  3. Join your palms in front of your chest and raise your arms them straight above your head
  4. Keep your hands in line with your forehead
  5. Hold this posture for ten seconds and release
  6. Repeat this posture three to six times. 

Utkatasana (Chair pose)

Utkatasana strengthens the ankle, calf, knee, and hip joint muscles. It also tones the neck, shoulder, lower back, and buttocks muscles and nerves. To do utkatasana:

  1. Stand straight 
  2. Join your hands and raise them over your head
  3. Bend your knee like you are about to sit on a chair and go down till you reach a little above your knee height
  4. Stay in this position for three to ten counts. 
  5. Get back to the starting position
  6. You can repeat this posture three to six times. 

Adho mukha svanasana (Downward dog pose)

This posture builds strength throughout the body, especially the legs, feet, arms, and shoulders. The pose rejuvenates and energizes the entire body. To do downward dog pose:

  1. Take a position as if you are a tabletop by going down on your knees and hands.
  2. The feet should be hip-width apart, and the hands should be shoulder-width apart. 
  3. Gently raise your hip, straighten your knees and arms, and form an inverted V-shaped posture.
  4. Hold this posture and inhale deeply.
  5. Exhale, bend the knees and return back to the table pose and relax. 

Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose)

Vajrasana strengthens the nerves of the legs and makes the ankle and knee joints flexible. Vajrasana can be done in the following steps:

  1. Sit on the ground with folded knees touching each other
  2. Sit back on the cavity formed between the soles of your feet, but avoid sitting on the heels
  3. Join your palms in front of your chest or place your hands on your thighs. 
  4. Keep your back and head straight and erect. 

Virbhadrasana (warrior pose)

This posture tones and strengthens the legs, lower back, and arms and improves the balance of our body. Virbhadrasana can be done in the following steps: 

  1. Stand tall with legs wide apart (at least three to four feet)
  2. Raise and extend both arms to shoulder height 
  3. Turn the right foot out at 90 degrees and the left foot in at 15 degrees
  4. Bend your right knee and turn your head to the right
  5. Breath in and hold this posture
  6. Breathe out and bring down your hands
  7. Repeat this posture on the left side 

Bandhakoasana (Butterfly pose)

This posture provides a good stretch to the knees, thighs, and groins. It improves the flexibility of the hip region and lowers fatigue from long hours of walking and standing. To do butterfly pose:

  1. Sit on a mat with your back straight
  2. Spread your legs straight in front of you 
  3. Bend your knees so that the soles of your feet touch each other
  4. Grab both feet with your hands and breathe in
  5. Now, breathe out and gently press your knees and thighs downwards towards the mat to straigthen them out and start flapping both legs up and down as if you are imitating the wings of a butterfly
  6. Flap your thighs and knees as fast as you can comfortably. Pace down and stop.
  7. Breathe in and as you breathe out, bend forward, keeping your spine erect and chin up
  8. Press the elbows on your thigh and take deep breaths and relax your muscles
  9. Breathe in and bring your torso up
  10. Now, breathe out, and gently come back to the starting position and relax.


Try one or more of these yoga poses to slowly terminate your heel pain naturally, without any medications. Get ready to wear your favourite high heels or go for a run in the morning because doing yoga will not only reduce your heel pain but also make them stronger. Also, if you have been looking for ‘yoga for plantar fasciitis’ over the internet, these are the ones that are the most beneficial ones for your sole pain. Ensure you consult a skilled yoga professional; it is important to practice and learn yoga under the supervision of an expert. 

If you do not experience relief with these yoga poses, then surgery might be the solution. The expert team at Hexahealth can help you answer all your queries and guide you at every step right from the diagnosis to post-surgery recovery period. You can also learn yoga poses for other conditions on our website Hexahealth. Feel free to contact us. We are always happy to help!

Frequently Asked Questions

What yoga poses are good for plantar fasciitis?

A few yoga poses like Tadasana, Utkatasana, Vajrasana, virbhadrasana, Adho mukho svanasana, Bandhakoasana, etc., are good for plantar fasciitis. 

Is yoga OK with plantar fasciitis?

Yoga might aid you with plantar fasciitis, but it’s important to learn the right posture and technique, for which you will need expert guidance. 

How do you get rid of deep heel pain?

You can do yoga poses such as downward dog pose, mountain pose, butterfly pose, etc., to get rid of deep heel pain.

Is walking good for heel pain?

You must consult a team of doctors at HexaHealth for proper diagnosis and treatment. They will help you identify the cause and see if walking can benefit your heel pain or not. 

Does soaking feet in warm water help plantar fasciitis?

Some people might find soaking feet in warm water soothing. However, icing your feet three to four times for 10-15 min per day might aid you lower heel pain.

What causes extreme pain in the heel of your foot?

A few conditions, like plantar fasciitis, heel spur, etc., may cause extreme pain in your heels. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team of doctors at HexaHealth to get the right diagnosis.

Can heel pain go away on its own?

Your heel pain might resolve on its own, but a few home exercises like yoga may accelerate the process of relieving your heel pain.

What exercises should I avoid with plantar fasciitis?

Avoid hiking, running, or high-intensity workouts if you have plantar fasciitis, as it might worsen your pain.

What aggravates plantar fasciitis?

A few things like prolonged standing, obesity, improper footwear, or high-intensity cardio might aggravate your plantar fasciitis condition.

Can a chiropractor help plantar fasciitis?

Yes, a chiropractor may help you with your plantar fasciitis condition. They will provide you with treatment based on the severity, personal choice, or other problem contributing to plantar fasciitis.

How do you massage plantar fasciitis?

Ice massage is considered useful for plantar fasciitis. Ice your sole 3-4 times for around 10-15 min daily.Gently massaging the heel, calf, or ankle may also lower the pain due to plantar fasciitis.

Will compression socks help plantar fasciitis?

Yes, compression socks may aid you with plantar fasciitis. But it should not be so tight that it restricts the blood flow.

Is elevating feet good for plantar fasciitis?

Elevating your feet may benefit you if you have plantar fasciitis, as it helps in reducing the swelling in the feet.

Why does my heel hurt when I do downward dog?

While doing the downward dog pose, your heel could hurt for many reasons, like damage to plantar fascia tissue, stiffness, etc. Consult a doctor to diagnose the right cause. Till then, stop doing the pose if it is causing you pain.

How do I stretch my foot for plantar fasciitis?

You can try a few yoga asanas like downward dog, butterfly, chair pose, etc., to stretch your foot and lower your pain due to plantar fasciitis.

What causes burning pain in the back of the heel?

Several reasons can cause a burning pain in your heel. It could be plantar fasciitis, heel spur, or other condition causing heel pain.

Can we do surya namaskar with plantar fasciitis?

Yes, surya namaskar is good for plantar fasciitis. It involves 12 different poses that improve flexibility and strengthen the overall body.

Updated on : 12 December 2023


Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

Dr. Aman Priya Khanna

MBBS, DNB General Surgery, Fellowship in Minimal Access Surgery, FIAGES

12 Years Experience

Dr Aman Priya Khanna is a well-known General Surgeon, Proctologist and Bariatric Surgeon currently associated with HealthFort Clinic, Health First Multispecialty Clinic in Delhi. He has 12 years of experience in General Surgery and worke...View More


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