Does Smoking Cause Weight Loss?

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Rajeshwari Panda
Written by Hexahealth Care Team, last updated on 28 September 2023
Does Smoking Cause Weight Loss?

Are you looking for an answer to does smoking cause weight loss? Smoking is widespread, with various adverse health consequences, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. However, one of the purported benefits of smoking is weight loss. Some believe smoking suppresses appetite and speeds up metabolism, leading to weight loss. 

While some evidence supports this idea, the risks associated with smoking far outweigh any potential weight loss benefits. Furthermore, smoking is not a healthy or sustainable way to lose weight, and many other proven methods for weight loss do not carry the same health risks. Continue reading the following blog to learn more about the relation between smoking and weight loss.

Relationship between Smoking and Weight Loss

There is a complex relationship between smoking and weight. The exact mechanism behind this relationship is not yet fully understood. However, there is a piece of evidence to suggest that smoking can contribute to weight loss. 

Studies have proved that smokers tend to have a low body mass index (BMI) compared to a non-smoker. This is because the nicotine in cigarettes activates specific receptors in the brain that reduce hunger pangs and cravings. This can lead to decreased food intake and, in some cases, weight loss.

Nicotine also increases metabolism, which means the body burns calories faster than it would otherwise. This is due to the increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "fight or flight" response. When the body is in this state, it burns more calories to fuel the increased activity. This effect can persist for up to several hours after smoking a cigarette.

However, this effect is short-lived and can be accompanied by many negative health consequences, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Moreover, the weight loss effect of smoking tends to diminish over time and to quit smoking often leads to weight gain due to increased appetite and a slower metabolism.

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Smoking as a Weight Loss Strategy: The Risks and Consequences

Can smoking cause weight loss is a general question that every person has in their mind. Smoking should never be used as a weight loss strategy, as it poses serious health risks and consequences. 

Smoking is known to have numerous adverse effects on health. Smoking increases the risk of multiple health problems. Below mentioned are some of the risks and consequences associated with using smoking as a weight loss strategy:

  1. Increased risk of cancer: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable cancer worldwide. It can raise your risk of developing lung, throat, bladder, kidney, and pancreatic cancer.
  2. Cardiovascular disease: Smoking can damage the lining of your blood vessels, leading to a buildup of plaque and a raised risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Respiratory problems: Smoking can cause various respiratory problems, including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  4. Reduced fertility: Smoking can affect both male and female fertility, reducing the chances of getting pregnant.
  5. Premature ageing: Smoking can cause premature skin ageing, making you look older than your years.
  6. Nutrient deficiencies and a weakened immune system: Smoking makes it more difficult to maintain overall health due to nutrient deficiencies.
  7. Addiction: Smoking is highly addictive; quitting can be difficult once you start.
  8. Secondhand smoke: Smoking not only harms the smoker, but it also harms those around them. Secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer and other health problems in non-smokers.

Smoking Cessation and Weight Gain: What to Expect?

Smoking cessation is essential to a healthy life, but it often comes with an unexpected side effect - weight gain, typically averaging around 5-10 pounds. Many people who quit smoking find that they start to put on weight, which can be a source of frustration and discouragement. However, it's essential to understand that weight gain is a normal part of the process, and there are things you can do to manage it.

However, the health benefits of quitting smoking far outweigh the temporary weight gain.

  1. Individuals can focus on healthy lifestyle choices to minimise weight gain, such as engaging in daily physical activity and eating a balanced diet. 
  2. Exercise can help boost metabolism and improve mood, which can also help with the cessation process. 
  3. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean protein are all excellent energy sources and nutrients the body needs to work at its best.

It's important to remember that quitting smoking can reduce the risk of numerous health problems, including cardiovascular disease, cancer and respiratory problems. Individuals can successfully quit smoking and maintain a healthy weight with healthy lifestyle choices and a commitment to the cessation process.

Tips for Quitting Smoking and Managing Weight

Quitting smoking and managing weight can be a challenging process, but it is possible with commitment and healthy lifestyle choices. Some tips for quitting smoking and managing weight include:

  1. Make a plan: Set a quit date and develop a plan for managing cravings and potential weight gain.
  2. Engage in regular physical activity: Exercise can help manage stress and boost metabolism.
  3. Eat a balanced diet: Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods to provide the necessary nutrients for the body and maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Manage stress: Stress is another essential factor, as it can affect eating habits and weight. Chronic stress has been linked to weight gain, as it can lead to increased cortisol levels and changes in appetite. Managing stress through mindfulness, meditation, and exercise practices can help individuals maintain a healthy weight.
  5. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a support group to help stay motivated and accountable.
  6. Talk to a healthcare provider: Discuss cessation aids and strategies for managing weight with a healthcare provider.


In conclusion, it's important to note that smoking is not a healthy or sustainable way to achieve weight loss. While it may temporarily suppress appetite and increase metabolic rate, smoking has numerous adverse health consequences, including an increased risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory problems. Rather than relying on smoking for weight loss, individuals should focus on healthy lifestyle habits to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

If you're struggling with weight loss, consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional for guidance and support. If you or your loved ones have doubts about losing weight, contact HexaHealth experts. Our expert team of doctors can consult you and provide the appropriate treatment modality based on your health condition. Get in touch with us TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does smoking cause weight loss?

Smoking can cause weight loss due to its appetite suppressant effects, increased metabolic rate, and decreased taste sensitivity. However, the long-term health consequences of smoking far outweigh any potential weight loss benefits.

How much weight can you lose by smoking?

While smoking can suppress appetite and increase metabolism, it is not a healthy or sustainable way to lose weight. Smoking can lead to numerous health problems and is not recommended for weight loss. There is no set amount of weight that one can lose by smoking.

Does smoking cause weight gain or loss?

Smoking is often associated with weight loss due to its appetite-suppressant effects, increased metabolic rate, and decreased taste sensitivity. However, quitting smoking may lead to weight gain due to increased appetite, decreased metabolism, and decreased physical activity.

Do smoking burn calories?

Yes, smoking can burn calories as it increases the metabolic rate, leading to burning calories. However, the calorie-burning effects of tobacco are not significant and are outweighed by the negative health consequences of smoking.

How much weight can you lose from smoking?

There is no set amount of weight loss from smoking, as it affects individuals differently. While it may cause weight loss initially, the long-term health consequences of smoking far outweigh any potential weight loss benefits.

Will I lose weight if I stop smoking?

Stopping smoking may cause weight gain, but it depends on the individual's diet and exercise habits. While nicotine suppresses appetite and increases metabolism, quitting smoking can lead to increased hunger and decreased physical activity, resulting in weight gain. However, maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen can prevent or manage weight gain.

Is it good to smoke for weight loss?

No, it is not good to smoke for weight loss. While smoking may cause temporary weight loss due to its hunger-suppressant effects, it is associated with numerous health risks. It can lead to severe illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. Quitting smoking and adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine is a safer and more effective way to manage weight.

Why are smokers thin?

Smokers are thin due to the nicotine in cigarettes, which acts as an appetite suppressant, increases metabolic rate, and decreases taste sensitivity. However, the long-term health risks of smoking far outweigh any potential weight loss benefits.

Does smoking change your body shape?

Smoking can change your body shape by reducing muscle mass, causing weight loss and altering fat distribution. This can result in a thinner, less muscular physique and an increased risk of developing health problems such as osteoporosis and fractures.

How many calories are in a cigarette?

There are no calories in a cigarette. However, smoking can suppress appetite and cause weight loss due to cigarettes' nicotine and other chemicals.

Updated on : 28 September 2023


Dr. Rajeshwari Panda

Dr. Rajeshwari Panda

MSc Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics, Certified National Diabetic Educator

6 Years Experience

Dr Rajeshwari Panda is a well-known Dietitian currently associated with SRV Hospital, Chembur. She has 6 years of experience in nutrition and dietetics and worked as an expert dietitian in different cities in India. She has worked i...View More


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